If it were to happen, a Quake reboot in the MCU would be a huge slap in the face to Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD. Recently, Chloe Bennet’s Daisy Johnson has become the subject of rumors connecting her to Marvel’s plans for Phase 5. According to these unfounded claims, the character will be rebooted with a new history, albeit with the same actress that played her in the ABC series.

For years, there’s been talk about Agents of SHIELD potentially being acknowledged in a proper MCU installment. But at this point, it’s apparent that despite its many MCU connections, it’s not actually canon with Marvel’s movies and Disney+ shows. That’s why it’s possible that if an Agents of SHIELD character were to make a proper MCU debut, it could be with an all-new backstory. Supposedly, that’s exactly what Marvel intends to do with Quake. Among the claims that have been made about her alleged return is that the Agents of SHIELD creators provided their “blessing” for a Quake reboot in Secret Invasion. But not only has Bennet denied the rumors, Agents of SHIELD showrunner Maurissa Tancharoen cast further doubt on them by refuting that any blessing had been given.

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Whether it’s likely to happen or not, Quake getting reinvented in the MCU would be Marvel’s biggest Agent of SHIELD insult yet. In Marvel’s WandaVision show, the MCU totally disrespected Agents of SHIELD when it used the Darkhold, and in doing so, completely ignored season 4’s entire story. But to reboot Quake would be even worse (even if it meant putting Bennet in the role). Agents of SHIELD spent seven seasons developing her character, which is why it would be deeply problematic for Marvel to so easily erase all of her history in the series and start over from scratch. In fact, not using her at all would be better than casting aside seven years of stories and all the relationships she shared with the other Agents of SHIELD characters, particularly Coulson.

How Agents of SHIELD's Quake Can Return In The MCU

Agents of SHIELD Season 7 Chloe Bennet Daisy Johnson Quake

If Marvel does end up using Quake (regardless of the issues), it would admittedly make sense for her to be in Secret Invasion. As a reliable SHIELD agent, she’s certainly someone Nick Fury could call upon for help when trying to root the Skull imposters that have infiltrated society. In the comic book version of the event, she was one of his most trusted allies in the fight against the shape-shifting aliens and could fill that role in the MCU’s upcoming Secret Invasion story as well. Taking this route could work with or without her Agents of SHIELD backstory.

A major issue that Marvel would face in regards to using Chloe Bennet’s Daisy Johnson would be her superhero origin. Looking at how the MCU scrapped Ms. Marvel’s Inhuman origin in her Disney+ series, it wouldn’t be surprising if the MCU ended up doing the same with Quake. Her link to the Inhumans was one of the most important contributions Agents of SHIELD made to the Marvel Comics character, yet it would be most likely dropped by the MCU, thus providing one more reason why rebooting her would be the wrong move for Phase 5.

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