With an Punisher revival in talks after Daredevil: Born Again was confirmed, fans are hoping they get to see their favorite vigilante back in action soon. Frank Castle's time in the MCU was seemingly short-lived, having only had appearances in Daredevil and The Punisher for a few years, but fans grew to love him quickly.Viewers have been rewatching the Netflix Marvel shows in recent weeks after the announcement, with many making comments and conclusions about the characters, and even memes to sum up their favorites.

Frank's Trauma


Frank Castle is no stranger to trauma. The single defining act that spurred him into a life of vigilante crime was the murder of his entire family, something Frank is still trying to deal with.

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Instead of dealing with his trauma and his past head-on, Frank ignores it and goes on several killing rampages. Fans have pointed out that Frank could benefit from therapy, drawing similarities between his characteristics and that of Bucky Barnes. It seems that Frank preferred the life of crime and violence.

Frank Vs Matt


Frank was first introduced in Daredevil, as a mysterious opponent to Matt Murdock. The two spend more time fighting each other than their enemies it seems, and disagree on one fundamental thing. Murder.

Frank is happy to kill anyone who gets in his way, whereas Matt has convictions against this. This leads to several heated arguments and debates where Frank argues that his methods are better, primarily because his enemies don't come back for revenge. The two might have gotten along a lot better if they saw eye to eye on this one thing.

Frank And Karen

Karen Page made an unexpected appearance in The Punisher, and became the voice of reason for Frank's violence. Over the course of the show, the two grew closer, with there being a hint at something more romantic between them.

Fans were left devastated when the show was canceled without any further exploration of the two, with many arguing that they were in fact in love. There have been several theories, fan-art and fan-fiction to depict this idea, with fans seemingly all agreeing they were more than friends.

Spider-Man And Frank

Spider-Man and The Punisher are both street-level superheroes, or technically vigilantes in Frank's case. They both also have very different approaches to the bad guys, much like Matt.

While the two have yet to meet in the MCU, they have had several encounters in the comics. If they do ever meet in the MCU, it's a meeting that would be entertaining for sure, and as pointed out by this Instagram user, perhaps the two would discuss their different fighting styles. Or rather, Frank would be judging Peter Parker for his lack of body bag usage.

Thanks Thanos?


Thanos' Snap was the biggest moment in the MCU to date. It affected everyone, with many characters and shows dealing with the aftermath of the Snap.

RELATED: The Punisher, 8 Things You Didn't Know About The Series

Given that Thanos got rid of half of the population, it's easy to assume that vigilantes like Frank Castle were left with a lot of free time on their hands. Less bad guys means less fighting, so, in a way, Frank owes Thanos a thank you. Unless he got Snapped away himself, of course, viewers still don't know which members of the Netflix Marvel Crew made it through Thanos' Snap.

The Punisher And Litterers

Comparisons between DC Comics and Marvel Comics have been going on for as long as the comics have been in print. Fans have drawn differences between several noticeable characters, this one specifically looking at the difference between Batman and Frank Castle.

Batman is a much more subdued hero compared to others, he waits for the perfect time to strike, which sometimes means letting his enemies get away for the sake of the bigger picture. Frank Castle, however, is the opposite. Anyone and everyone who does something illegal or unethical will meet the wrath of Frank Castle, even litterers.

Karen And Frank's Unfinished Love Story

As briefly mentioned before, Karen and Franks relationship was being set up as something more than friendly. Before fans got to see that come to fruition, the show was canceled.

Since then, fans have been voicing their frustration, especially since they never got to see the two confess their feelings or kiss. There were several moments where they seemed closed to admitting their feelings, but alas they never did. It's something viewers are hoping will get picked up again in Daredevil: Reborn.

Frank's Crimes


Source: Twitter

There's no doubt that Frank Castle is a criminal. Although he does it for the betterment of society and thinks he's always right, in the eyes of the law he in undoubtedly a criminal.

This doesn't change how much fans love him though. Fans often look past his violent outbursts and crimes and defend his actions, no matter how horrific some of them are. As pointed out by this Twitter user, Frank may be a criminal with a long list of crimes, but they still love him at the end of the day.

Frank's Love Life


Since the murder of his family and his wife, Frank hasn't had the best luck with woman. He often avoids the issue altogether, instead focusing on his vigilante career.

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Fans have noticed this and even commented on his lacking love life. In his long-spanning MCU appearances, he's never shown interest in any woman romantically, apart from Karen Page, briefly. Frank seems happier to spend his evenings killing and beating up bad guys, instead of worrying about dating.

Frank's Not That Bad


The friendship between Karen, Matt and Frank is a precarious one. As mentioned before, Matt and Frank disagree on their moral code, and Karen is hopelessly stuck in the middle of the two.

Karen has spent several instances trying to explain to Matt that Frank isn't actually that bad, and despite his reputation, he has a code that he follows. Every time she's tried to explain this, Matt often sits there in disbelief, refusing to see things from her perspective. Frank might have Karen in his corner, but that seems to be about it in terms of support.

NEXT: 10 Marvel Shows Twitter Would Like To Return, Following Daredevil's Revival