For over ten years, audiences have followed the adventures of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Yes, the comic book action and interwoven stories are part of the charm, but the real selling points of this franchise are its relatable heroes. With the vast array of characters, anyone can find a hero they identify with. Kevin Feige and his team have done an incredible job bringing these heroes to life in an empathetic way.

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One of the best ways to understand a character's archetype and psychology is by applying the Myers-Briggs® personalities. This specified classification is often used to surmise one's social tendencies and ticks.

Updated on January 12th, 2022 by Quinn Levandoski: The Marvel Cinematic Universe may have temporarily paused its pace during parts of 2020 and 2021, but recent months have seen the franchise explode back into the forefront of entertainment with hit series like What If...? and movies such as Eternals.

These new entries into the massive cinematic universe have introduced viewers to many more memorable characters with complex and exciting personality types. Yet, despite how diverse Marvel's characters continue to be, each one still fits fairly squarely into one of the sixteen Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator® personalities. 

Star-Lord - ESFP

Star-Lord staring straight into the camera in Guardians of the Galaxy

Star-Lord is the biggest himbo in the MCU and is most similar to the ESFP personality type. In his introduction scene in Guardians of the Galaxy, he breaks into song and dance while venturing into the unknown, which is a classic ESFP move.

ESFP personalities are social extroverts, entertainers, typically focused on personal aesthetics, can be a little unfocused at times, and can become easily bored, which Peter Quill fits all of these traits perfectly.

Ant-Man - ESFJ

Ant-Man meets Falcon.

Ant-Man has several amazing action scenes in the MCU, and he's optimistic even in the darkest of times, like when he was one of the only ones with hope after the snap and his time in the quantum realm. Scott Lang is a character who is able to encourage others and be supportive while always being able to make others, including himself, laugh.

Scott is also a loyal and heartwarming character as he's loyal to the Avengers and has a special bond with his daughter Cassie. However, sometimes he can be a little too selfless, but he always has his heart in the right place. All of Scott's strengths and weaknesses as a character are similar to the ESFJ personality type.

Falcon - ISFP

Falcon Sam Wilson EXO-7 Falcon flight suit

Sam Wilson, aka Falcon, is a charming character who quickly gets along with both Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff in Captain America: Winter Soldier and is building a relationship with Bucky Barnes in Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

Sam is a passionate character who does what he thinks is right and is empathetic toward others as he is always ready to jump into the fray to help. Sam's an independent and curious person as well and all of these traits are similar to the ISFP personality type.

Winter Soldier - ISFJ

Bucky with Cap's Shield in Captain America The Winter Soldier

Bucky Barnes, aka the Winter Soldier, is introduced in Captain America: The First Avenger as a loyal and hard-working character who has unending support for his best friend Steve Rogers. He's imaginative and interested in science while also being a strong defender of what's right when he goes to fight in World War II.

Bucky's an empathetic character, not including the years when he was brainwashed by Hydra, while also being humble and more introverted making all of Bucky's traits similar to the ISFJ personality type.

Vision - ISTJ

Being pulled apart when trying to leave Westview

Vision is very similar to the ISTJ personality portraying most of the ISTJ strengths and weaknesses on screen in the MCU and in the Disney+ series WandaVision. He's an honest and direct character who is calm and practical but sometimes, near the beginning of his character arc, was a little insensitive.

He's a very responsible, logical, and dutiful character who is capable of almost anything from his beginnings as JARVIS to his humanoid form as Vision.

Thor - ESTP

Avengers Endgame Trailer - Thor With Stormbreaker

Thor, God of Thunder and Space Frat-Bro, is full of versatility and humor. This son of Asgard is a strong-willed leader who loves to tackle problems head-on. Though he is assertive, Thor still likes to let loose and have fun, though occasionally at his downfall. Out of all the types, Thor is clearly an ESTP.

ESTPs are classified as energetic problem solvers. They love addressing problems immediately and with as broad a scope as possible. Sometimes though, the tendency towards immediate action can lead to a narrower and less detail-oriented approach. Luckily, their good-natured humor and natural likability overcome their blind enthusiasm.

Captain Marvel - ISFP

Brie Larson Wearing Her Captain Marvel Armor MCU

Carol Danvers might be new to the MCU, but there is no denying her immediate impact (just ask that poor Blockbuster Video). Fans around the world immediately identified with this new galactic hero. When applying the MBTI®, Captain Marvel fits right into the ISFP type.

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ISFPs are compassionate and concrete, often holding a strong moral compass. Carol has a strong will, and her values are incredibly important to her. Although she is loyal to the Kree, she does not sacrifice her beliefs for them. ISFPs hate having their personal freedoms and emotions limited, mirrored in Carol's journey from Kree Pawn to an independent hero.

Scarlet Witch - INFP

Scarlet Witch using her powers on Vision in Avengers Infinity War

Scarlet Witch is a complicated character with complicated powers. Her personality is hard to in down to her reserved and changing tendencies. Because of this, no better type exists for her than INFP. Full of compassion for others, it was the clear archetype for a character like Wanda.

This is not to say that Wanda is weak. Instead, Wanda is selective as to when she chooses to be vulnerable. There are few characters apart from Vision who she chooses to open up with. INFPs are very empathetic, but choose when to express it.

Groot - INFJ

Baby Groot waving in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Groot has proved to be one of the MCU's most popular characters, and his rebirth has prompted several hilarious memes. Groot might be a being of few words, but his gentle demeanor and peaceful nature scream INFJ.

INFJs are identified by their insightful, private, and loyal personalities. Groot is that and more. He is a serene being who is dutiful to those he loves. He is not a fan of conflict, loudness, or disorder, and just wants everyone to get along. If INFJs had a motto, it'd be "We are Groot".

Black Panther - INTJ

T'Challa welcomes Steve Rogers in purple robes in Avengers Infinity War

T'Challa is a character who has a lot on his shoulders. Running a kingdom, losing his dad, and learning that his family covered up a murder and abandonment plot are just a few of the things he's handling in Black Panther. Only someone calm, cool, and collected can take all that stress.

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T'Challa is an INTJ and conceptual planner. INTJs face problems thoroughly, logically, and decisively. Procrastination is a major point of stress for INTJs, along with micromanaging and indecision. As the king of the most secretive and powerful nation on earth, T'Challa does not have time to second-guess or overthink.

Black Widow - ISTP

Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff in Black Widow

Myers-Briggs® characterizes an ISTP by its realism, adaptability, and adventurous nature. Black Widow's nearly pessimistic personality and spy skills make her a stand out ISTP. When the protective guise disappears, Black Widow is a relatively straightforward and blunt individual.

She does not appreciate disregarding her practicality, independence, and occasionally cynical outlook. She is an expedient and practical member of The Avengers who brings a grounded sense to even the most alien of circumstances.

Bruce Banner - INTP

Avengers Endgame Trailer - Bruce Banner

No role fits Bruce Banner better than INTP. As a scientist and logical thinker, Banner had to go into this archetype. INTPs are some of the most ingenious types in all of Myers-Briggs®. They are analytical thinkers who apply logic and complex problem-solving to each task that comes their way.

Bruce is obviously also a character who hates a lot of disruptions and noise. He is introverted and awkward in the most endearing way possible. Though their inward view of the world can alienate them from others, their critical lens is crucial to any team's success.

Spider-Man - ENFP

Tom Holland as Spider-Man with Shield in Captain America Civil War

Spider-Man is known for his carefree and fun attitude. He is full of energy all his own. Because of this, Peter Parker is the prime example of an ENFP personality type. Spidey is known to be full of life, joy, and relatability.

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ENFPs are known for looking at multiple solutions to problems and trying anything that might stick. They are not fans of detail and scrutiny, and sometimes that can lead to their downfall. But their authenticity, friendliness, and sociable personalities overcome any big-picture issues.

Captain America - ISFJ

Steve Rogers outside in Avengers: Endgame

Steve Rogers/Captain America is the heart of the MCU. The ultimate leader, everyone in the MCU looks up to Cap for significant decisions and guidance. With this mentor role Cap never loses sight of compassion and understanding. With all this in mind, Cap exudes the role of ISFJ.

These types are characterized by their honor, tradition, and duty. ISFJs value the collective forces for good, and the inherent power of the individual.

Iron Man - ENTP

Iron Man 2

Headstrong, analytical, and witty. All of these describe Tony Stark, aka Iron Man. Iron Man's first movie may be his best, but he's always been a figure who invites challenge and debate with good intentions. Somehow arrogant in the best way, Tony is a full-blown ENTP.

This type is often seen as a devil's advocate, always inviting discourse and discussion. They want to address problems in the most creative way possible, sometimes to their disadvantage. ENTPs are intelligent beyond belief, outspoken, and full of energy. Tony lives all of these traits and more.

Ikarus - ISTJ

the eternals Ikaris biggest death confirmation avoids sequel problem

Eternals is a sprawling epic filled with diverse character personalities, but Ikaris stands above many of his fellow Eternals as one of the most complicated. The complicated ISTJ personality type best represents him.

While this category contains several traits, the one that makes it a great match for Ikaris is that they are generally very dedicated to their duties and a sense of tradition. Ikarus deals with several significant decisions in the Eternals film, but he's always ultimately driven by a need to fulfill his purpose and the path that he's already traveled down.

Infinity Ultron - ENTJ

The Vision as Ultron with the Infinity Stones in Marvel's What If...?

When Ultron debuted in the MCU as the antagonist of Avengers: Age of Ultron, some fans were disappointed that Stark's AI-gone-wrong was slightly sillier and less developed than early trailers made him out to be. The What If...? series introduced fans to Infinity Ultron, an alternate version of the character that obtains the Vision body and all six Infinity Stones before dominating the universe.

ENTJ personality types, also called Commanders, are driven by accomplishments and forward progress. Infinity Ultron has no drive outside of perfection, progress, and control, which matches this personality type to a tee.

Kate Bishop - ENTP

Kate Bishop aims her bow in Hawkeye Episode 3

Kate Bishop was introduced to viewers in the Disney+ series Hawkeye and instantly became a fan-favorite MCU hero because of her quick wit and charm. Hailee Steinfeld portrayed Bishop as a confident, intelligent woman that refused to take no as an answer, whether it came from her family or an Avenger.

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People with ENTP personalities, also known as Debaters, love bouts of mental sparring and opportunities to show their quick wit. It's easy to see these traits in Kate as she taunts members of the Tracksuit Mafia, makes fun of Kingpin, and nervously cracks jokes at Yelena Belova.

Kingpin - ISTJ

Kingpin wearing a red shirt in Hawkeye

Kingpin may be one of the most powerful villains of Daredevil, but his recent foray into the MCU proper has shown that he'll deal with any heroes that get in his way. While Kingpin is physically imposing and capable of hand-to-hand combat, he's a terrifying foe because of his silent influences and multi-layered planning.

People with the ISTJ personality type are known for being observant, analytical, and wholly dedicated to the task at hand. This combination of traits can be seen whenever someone crosses Wilson Fisk. He's gone to great lengths and spared significant expense to make sure that he commands the respect and control he wants.

Loki - ENFJ

Loki stands against a sky in Thor: The Dark World

Given his start as the Avengers' first cinematic antagonist, it may be ironic, but Loki meets several tenets of the Protagonist personality type. He may initially eschew a desire to do good and help other people, but he succeeds wildly in having charisma, being charming and persuasive, and seeking glorious purpose.

Loki from the main MCU timeline may have died in Infinity War, but it seems as if his variant from the Loki Disney+ series may be headed down a more openly virtuous and positive path.

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