The first season of The Boys introduced us to some pretty memorable characters that really change the way we look at superheroes. In comics and most tv shows, humans rely on heroes to save us from evil and inspire us to do good. The heroes of this shown are much more motivated by being worshipped as Gods and are only capable of saving the world to gain popularity, sponsorships, and money.

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Each hero is more complex with human-like emotions and personalities some of us can relate to (even though we might not want to admit). We've compiled the cast of the show and run the MBTI personality test to see who most closely resembles us in real life. Here are MBTI on the cast of The Boys.

Homelander -  Commander (ENTJ)

Anthony Starr's Homelander death stares in The Boys

Kicking off the list is the leader of the Seven and perhaps the most twisted of the heroes. Homelander has a reputation almost identical to Superman, raised in a small town by loving parents and growing up to inspire the world with his great power. At least that's what he wants us to think. In secret Homelander is an egomaniac with only one goal, to have his legacy as Homelander.

He is a typical ENTJ, good and bad, with a strong will, charisma and determination along with arrogance and impatience. We see Homelander kill and torture to keep his image clean and get what he wants and doesn't hesitate to show his power when he needs to. Although he appears to be cunning and pure, we know he is putting up a facade of ego and ruthlessness.

Billy Butcher - Logistician (ISTJ)

As the leader of The Boys, Billy Butcher is a master strategizer with an iron will to see his goals go through no matter the personal cost. Beginning his rivalry with Homelander and the seven when Homelander assaulted his wife, Butcher stops at nothing to get his revenge and take down the supers.

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As an ISTJ, Butcher is direct and strong-willed, often coming off as rude and unfiltered. We see this in all the relationships he has with characters on the show, a lot of people from his past are not very happy to see him and Hughie has a long time trusting him. Perhaps what solidifies Billy Butcher as an ISTJ is his uncanny ability to create and enforce order.

Hughie Campbell - Mediator (INFP)

Jack Quaid as Hughie in The Boys

Hughie is timid at first, suffering the loss of his longtime girlfriend to the hands of a careless A-train and wanting revenge for his lack of justice. This is why he's recruited and eventually befriended by Billy Butcher as they both share that will to see the members of the Seven get justice for their recklessness.

Hughie is often portrayed as an anxious wreck with a soft-spoken and jumpy personality but fans of the show and comics know he's way more than that. As a mediator, it's Hughie's optimism and dedication to the cause that helps the team capture and kill a perverted Translucent. It's also the fact he's sometimes too idealistic that he puts people on a pedestal only to get hurt that really makes him a true INFP.

Starlight - Advocate (INFJ)

Starlight looking slightly puzzled in The Boys

Just about the only member of the Seven that isn't an egomaniac or psychopath, Starlight is the only true hero. As a new member, she was excited and anxious to start her life as but she is met with a harsh reality check when she sees the heroes for what they really are. After being forced to wear a revealing outfit and made to lie about her origin story, Starlight quickly realizes the superhero life isn't for her and she somewhat joins Hughie and the boys on taking down the Seven.

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As an INFJ, Starlight has an unshakeable sense of morality and a strong opinion on doing what's right, no matter how much criticism she takes. Although it takes a while for her to stand up for herself, she makes people regret crossing her.

A-Train - Entertainer (ESFP)

A-Train getting ready to race on The Boys

If anyone was born for the fame and stardom, it's A-Train, this version of The Flash. As the fastest man alive, he thrives when the spotlight's on him, being a fan favorite and an idol to almost as much as Homelander.

As an entertainer, A-Train's only goal is to remain relevant and often lose focus on everything around him. He builds an addiction to a powerful steroid-like drug and it's what brings him down in the end. A-Train is a showboat and a true ESFP.

The Deep - Entrepreneur (ESTP)

The Deep addresses fans of The Seven

Like A-Train, The Deep thrives in the spotlight and uses his charm and good looks to get lucky with women and remain relevant as the Seven's weakest link. The Deep truly lives on the edge, boldly blackmailing Starlight and attempting to steal a dolphin form a water park.

Like any ESTP, The Deep lives in the moment and enjoys any moment where all eyes are on him. He also shares the quality of being impatient and unstructured, spending most of the first season being demoted and sent away.

Queen Maeve - Consul (ESFJ)

Dominique McElligott as Queen Maeve and Antony Starr as Homelander in The Boys

Like her DC counterpart, Queen Maeve was made for war, thriving in battle and being the ultimate warrior. Queen Maeve has obtained several injuries throughout her time as a hero and although she starts off being an arrogant and untrustworthy hero, she redeems herself and looks to turn against the rest of her team.

She doesn't like to show it, but shes nurturing and warm, looking after her younger teammate and sympathizing with her (in her own way). Maeve quickly sees the error of her ways and like an ESFJ feels the pressure of being liked by the public so she doesn't act on her defiance.

Madelyn Stillwell - Defender (ISFJ)

Madelyn Stillwell The Boys Season 1

Madelyn Stillwell runs the Seven behind the scenes and she runs her company with an iron fist. Being the only one in the show that could control Homelander to her will, she is a pretty intimidating figure. But don't let that tough exterior fool you, Stillwell has a maternal instinct to protect those closest to her and she stops at nothing to make sure they're protected, whether it be her kid or Homelander.

RELATED: The Boys: 11 Differences Between The Comics And The Show

She is reluctant to change and she runs her company how she wants it, taking offense to anyone who defies her.

Mother’s Milk - Campaigner (ENFP)

mother's milk the boys

Similar to Hughie playing the mediator, Mother's Milk plays a similar role, often being the voice of reason for an irrational Butcher. Mother's milk is a stoic figure and a loyal friend, agreeing to help Butcher even when he has his objections.

An ENFP is very observant, believing everything is part of something bigger and they're also enthusiastic, unable to hold their tongues, especially if they need to be heard. Sound familiar?

Frenchie - Virtuoso (ISTP)

Frenchie looking at something intently in The Boys

Perhaps the most obvious is Frenchie. From the moment we meet Frenchie, we see him in his workshop, building a weapon and being very resourceful. Its no wonder Butcher went to him for help.

Like a textbook ISTP, Frenchie is at his best when he's tinkering with something or taking something apart, proving to be very useful for the fight against the superheroes.

NEXT: The Boys: 10 Things We Want To See In Season 2