Big Little Lies has just returned for its second season, so we can all rejoice and go back to hating Perry while secretly wishing Bonnie was our BFF. While the sights of Monterey are undeniably breathtaking, what really manages to capture our attention is the unique set of characters within the series.

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Each character on Big Little Lies has their own unique personality and this is exactly what makes the HBO series so captivating. So without further ado, let's analyze these individual personalities and see where they best fit on the MBTI scale.


Everything about Madeline Mackenzie screams ESFJ from her style of clothing to her "bulldog" approach that we can't help but admire. Madeline Mackenzie is the ultimate leader and although some might call her overbearing and demanding, she is simply strong-willed enough to fight for what she is truly passionate about. Madeline seems allergic to the idea of sitting idly by, which is why she is constantly on her feet in an attempt to make a more promising community for her kids.

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Some might presume her to be a bit of a perfectionist which can sometimes cause her to go off the deep end and resort to scandalous actions in order to jeopardize her faultless persona. When it comes down to it, she is a hard-working woman who will stop at nothing for the people she cares about.


Celeste and her twin sons on Big Little Lies

Celeste is a gentle soul who wouldn't so much as hurt a fly. Although she hates to admit it, Celeste greatly cares about how the world perceives her, which is something a handful of ISFJs struggle with. Like Madeline, (and the majority of the women in Monterey), Celeste wants to put on the classic facade that she has a perfect life with a perfect husband and perfect kids.

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Celeste wants so badly to believe that this is the case, and she wants others to believe it too to such a degree that she risks her own life by not even telling her best friends what Perry is like behind closed doors. Once she can work on her ability to stop caring so much about how others see her, she will be able to grow stronger and will ultimately lead a more fulfilling life.

As a person, Celeste exudes kindness and has so much unconditional love for the people in her life, which is how most ISFJs operate.


Jane Chapman is a classic ISFP who, although soft-spoken, lives life on the edge (literally. Remember when she nearly jumped off that cliff?). Jane is incredibly sweet, but don't let that fool you from assuming she isn't one tough cookie when she needs to be. When something goes against her beliefs, she will do whatever she needs to in order to stick up for herself and the people she cares most about.

Like most ISFPs, Jane is incredibly artistic and, as we've seen from the season 2 premiere episode, she's an excellent artist who can draw pretty much anything. Despite everything Jane has been through, she still manages to maintain an easy-going attitude which is a common trait within most ISFPs that most of us wish we could have.


Renata Klein is the kind of woman who truly knows herself and has that glimmering confidence that many of us strive for. She is the definition of a boss and she is totally comfortable being in a power position with a "take charge" attitude. Like most INTJs, they are quite stubborn when it comes to their belief systems and once they are set on an idea, they will not change their minds until they are presented otherwise with stone cold facts.

This is apparent in Renata's personality when she is set on the belief that Ziggy is the one who is hurting Amabella. It isn't until Celeste tells Renata that Max has been causing her daughter to suffer that she alters her beliefs and apologizes to Jane for putting the blame on her son.


Bonnie smiling in BLL

Bonnie Carson is the ultimate free-spirit who seems to live in her own little world. Unlike the other women in Monterey, it appears as though Bonnie couldn't care less about how other people perceive her. She is all about self-expression and marching to the beat of her own drum which is an attitude many people aspire to have.

Much to Madeline's dismay, her daughter gravitates towards Bonnie, which makes sense because INFPs are often childlike in nature and have a very easy time putting people at ease when it comes to one on one nurturing. Bonnie has the mysteriousness of an INFP and, at the end of the day, all she wants is harmony between the great divide that splits all of the parents of Otter Bay.


Perry in his suit looking serious in Big Little Lies

Perry isn't afraid of telling anyone exactly what he's thinking. He will lay out all his thoughts onto the table and "think out loud" which is a common trait for most ENTJs. Perry has a bit of a control problem which some unhealthy ENTJs might find themselves struggling with.

Perry feels as though he needs Celeste to confirm with him when it comes to almost all things because he wants to be in the loop at all times. Despite the fact that he is a total monster of a human being, he is still able to be a good father to his kids and take on a leadership role.


INFJs are known for their warm and nurturing personas yet when they see an issue at hand, they aren't afraid to get blunt with you and set the record straight. Doctor Reisman has that type of personality that you can't help but gravitate towards and feel safe with. It is easy for Celeste to trust Doctor Reisman with all of her deepest darkest secrets.

INFJs are known as "counselors" and therefore make excellent therapists, such as Amanda. Perhaps if it wasn't for her, Celeste would never get that extra push in order to leave the relationship that was no good for her.


Ed Mackenzie has just the right amount of mystery and intelligence to fit into the mold of a classic INTP. INTPs, although often hard to read, are constantly thinking up new ideas and possibilities and while their mouths might not be moving at a rapid speed as their extroverted counterparts, their brains usually are. Ed is compassionate and caring, often choosing to see the positive side of things in an effort to keep things civil. This can be seen in his marriage when he often chooses to avoid all of the glaring flaws in his relationship in an effort to avoid conflict and keep things as simple as they are on the surface.

Although people may seem him as rather stoic and emotionless (common among INTPs), he proves to be extremely loving and passionate when he does his heartwarming cover of Elvis' Wonder of You during trivia night. Common with INTPs, sometimes it just takes time to unravel their deepest emotions, yet the time it takes to get to that place is certainly worth the wait.


Little Chloe Mackenzie never fails to light up any room she enters and she exudes a light-hearted charisma that is almost a comic relief in the midst of all the drama that occurs within the series.

We can always expect Chloe to come in with her dark sense of humor, something most ENFJs seem to possess. Despite her young age, she already presumably takes on the role of the caretaker and leader, which ENFJs tend to do best.


Although we have only seen Meryl Steep's portrayal of Mary Louise in one episode so far, we do know that she is utterly fearless. With Mary Louise, you never know what you are going to get with her. One moment she will be soft-spoken and wrapped up in her elegant shawl; the next, she'll be screaming at the top of her lungs while at the dinner table.

You never know what you're going to get with Mary Louise and her lack of predictability makes her so interesting. The ENFP is perhaps the most spontaneous personality type, so right now it would make the most sense to assume that an ENFP would be the one to scream at the top of their lungs while at a nice dinner. You know, to let all those feelings out.

Do you agree with this list? Let us know!

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