Most Mass Effect Legendary Edition players chose to save Wrex on Virmire, at least according to a recent poll by BioWare. Fans were first introduced to the gruff-yet-dependable Urdnot Wrex in 2007’s original Mass Effect game, where Commander Shepard first chances across the Krogan battlemaster during their mission to stop the threat of rogue Spectre Saren and his Geth army.

At first, there's a mutual distrust between Wrex and the rest of the Normandy's crew due to his status as a mercenary and past conflicts with the warlike Krogan race, but he eventually proves to be a valued ally among Shepard's team. This new alliance is put to the test on the beaches of Virmire, as Wrex discovers that Saren is working on a cure for the Genophage, a biologically engineered disease that rendered his people almost incapable of having children. Tempted by this offer of restoring his fallen race to glory, Wrex draws a blaster at Shepard - but players who have built up a high enough Paragon or Renegade rating in Mass Effect can talk him down and ensure his loyalty for the rest of the series. If not, Shepard will be forced to shoot him then and there.

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According to recent Mass Effect Legendary Edition statistics, which BioWare posted to Twitter recently, an overwhelming 94 percent of players ultimately chose to spare Wrex when faced with the option of killing him in the first Mass Effect game. Interestingly enough, Wrex was also ranked the fourth most popular squadmate in the first game, beating out Ashley and Kaiden but falling under Garrus, Tali, and Liara.

Provided Wrex survives the events of the original Mass Effect, he becomes a regular recurring ally for the rest of the series. In Mass Effect 2, the recently resurrected Shepard can have a cheerful reunion with him on his homeworld of Tuchanka while completing the Loyalty Missions for Grunt and Mordin, as he becomes the leader of Clan Urdnot between the first two games. Come Mass Effect 3, Wrex is called on once again to rally his people in the battle against the Reapers, with Shepard possibly brokering peace between the Krogan and the rest of the galaxy by helping to cure the Genophage once and for all. From there, Wrex pops in to lend a helping hand during the Citadel DLC and finally leads the charge among the Krogan in the final battle on Earth.

Wrex and his story arc are fairly well-liked among Mass Effect fans, so it should come as no surprise that many chose to spare him in the first game. After all, gathering the Krogan for the final battle against the Reapers or witnessing the end of the Genophage doesn’t have quite the same emotional punch without the hard-headed teammate players fought by since the beginning. In any case, it seems that Urdnot Wrex overwhelmingly lives to fight another day in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

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Source: Mass Effect/Twitter