Shepard meets and recruits several NPCs in Mass Effect, and all these characters can join their squad. During any mission across the Mass Effect series, Shepard will need to have two squadmates with them. Strategically, Shepard should select squadmates who fit the mission and who can fill in weaknesses from Shepard's class and build. It is always possible to change squad configuration between missions and experiment to see what group is most effective against certain enemies. Once Shepard has begun a mission, however, there is no easy way to change their squad until it has been completed.

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The only way to change a squad once it has been selected in Mass Effect is to return to the Normandy, then land somewhere else. It is typically not possible to do this during main missions. However, players do have more chances to change squads when they accomplish side missions and explore the galaxy. Players will want to be strategic when picking squadmates to ensure they select the right people for any combat or exploration situation. Here's how to change squadmates in Mass Effect.

How to Choose New Squadmates in Mass Effect

Ashley and Kaidan watch Shepard start the becon in Mass Effect

To change squadmates in Mass Effect, Shepard will need to use the Galaxy Map and select a destination to land. Once they choose a planet or station and use the Land button, they will be prompted to select their squad. Shepard can select two individuals from the available four to six options. The squad selection screen also allows players to see how strong each possible configuration of squadmates will be in biotic, tech, and combat situations, as well as what primary weapons these squadmates will use.

Once Shepard selects a squad and confirms their choices, if they are pursuing one of the main story missions in Mass Effect, their choice is effectively locked in. They will not have an opportunity to change their squad until the mission has been completed or they return to the Normandy's docking bay. These missions include finding Liara on Therum, helping the colonists on Feros, finding Matriarch Benezia on Noveria, destroying Saren's base on Virmire, fighting Saren on Ilos, and defeating Saren and Sovereign on the Citadel.

Alliance Docking Bay on the Citadel in Mass Effect Legendary Edition

When players begin a side mission or go to explore one of the planets in the various clusters, they will also need to select a squad. However, it is easier to change squads during side missions in Mass Effect because there is less structure to these smaller assignments. To change squads, players simply need to leave and return to the planet or station.

Players can open the map and use the Return to Normandy button to leave the planet. They can then select the planet again from the Galaxy Map and choose Land. They should be able to choose a different squad to continue their explorations. Players should note, however, that leaving and returning will deposit the squad at the same landing point and require Shepard to drive the Mako some distance to return to where they previously were.

If players aren't sure what kinds of enemies or situations they might face but don't want to worry about needing to change their squad, they may want to select a well-rounded, balanced team with nearly equal biotics, tech, and combat specializations. Sometimes, however, it may be more preferable to favor a certain specialization over others. For example, when exploring in the Mako, it is best to bring squadmates with high Electronics skills, as they can repair the hull more completely if it gets destroyed. If Shepard wants to be able to open all complicated crates found at bases while exploring, bringing squadmates with a high Decryption skill will be most important. And, if Shepard knows they will be dealing with a lot of organic creatures, bringing squadmates with biotic abilities will help in a fight.

Next: Mass Effect: How to Leave the Citadel

Mass Effect Legendary Edition is available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.