One of the more iconic elements of the Mass Effect franchise is its inclusion of a romance mechanic, which allows players to engage in relationships with several of the characters encountered throughout the trilogy. There are multiple different options for Shepards of either gender to pursue, but some relationships are more fully fleshed-out and engaging than others. Which of the series' romances stand out above the rest?

When considering which character to romance, it's worth noting that not every crewmate is present in all three games of the trilogy. The majority of the Normandy's crew is composed of new characters in Mass Effect 2, for example, so players looking to carry a romance over from ME1 into ME3 may find themselves spending an entire game waiting. Other companions may be present in all three games, but aren't technically romance options until later on in the series.

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It should also be kept in mind that player choices and consequences are a large part of the Mass Effect series, meaning that many characters - crewmates and romance options included - have the potential to die at various points in the trilogy. In some cases, it might take careful planning to ensure that the romance progresses without any issues, but this mechanic is part of what makes the Mass Effect franchise so iconic even years after its initial release.

Best Mass Effect Romances - Liara

What Mass Effect’s Best Romances Are

Liara's character goes through some significant changes throughout the trilogy, transforming from a naïve and sheltered archaeologist in Mass Effect 1 into the notorious Shadow Broker by the start of ME3. Although she doesn't serve as a crewmate in Mass Effect 2, her role as the star of the Shadow Broker DLC means that she can effectively be romanced in all three games, which can't be said for most other Mass Effect companions. She's also one of the few characters who can be romanced by both a male or female Shepard.

Best Mass Effect Romances - Garrus

What Mass Effect’s Best Romances Are

Garrus only becomes romanceable in Mass Effect 2, and is exclusively available for female Shepards, but his role as a loyal companion across the entire trilogy makes his romance one of the more compelling ones in the series regardless. His character development parallel to a Paragon Shepard is also worth mentioning, as it gives players the unique opportunity to personally have an impact on his personality throughout the course of their relationship. It's compelling to see how he and Shepard influence one another across the Mass Effect trilogy.

Best Mass Effect Romances - Tali

What Mass Effect’s Best Romances Are

Tali is arguably one of the most beloved companions and popular romance options in the Mass Effect series - so much so that developers went back and changed one of her romance scenes in Mass Effect Legendary Edition following significant backlash from fans. Like Garrus, she acts as a crewmate in all three games, but can only be romanced from ME2 onwards by male Shepards. The relationship comes across as sincere and natural, and the authentic progression of their development makes it a worthwhile romance to pursue for new Mass Effect players.

Next: Mass Effect Characters That Will Probably Return In ME4