The new Marvel SNAP game features a wealth of comic book accurate locations. Marvel SNAP is a digital collectible card game, in which players place their decks in head-to-head collision. Players will naturally focus on building their own decks in Marvel SNAP, perhaps by focusing on a particular high-cost powerhouse character such as Onslaught and Apocalypse, but the game's true magic lies in a wild card factor.

Every round of Marvel SNAP features three locations, lifted straight from the comics and with unique attributes. This means the outcome of a game is about more than who has the better deck; it also tests a player's adaptability, because the locations may actually work against the cards in hand. A player who's focused on ongoing effects will likely struggle, for example, if they are faced with the Isle of Silence - a location that "silences" ongoing effects. Sometimes the locations will work against both players; the Bifrost moves cards to the right after turn 4, and it can be a major problem if it's in play alongside Fisk Tower; cards that move to this location are destroyed.

Related: The Best Cards in Marvel SNAP (& How to Get Them)

The locations in Marvel SNAP are all lifted from the comics, and the developers have attempted to come up with appropriate mechanics. This makes the game a rewarding experience for players who are familiar with those comics. Here are the most impressive comic book accurate locations in Marvel SNAP.

Atlantis Is Designed Around Namor In Marvel SNAP

Marvel Comics Atlantis

Atlantis is one of the most interesting locations in Marvel SNAP, in that it is designed to boost one particular character - Namor the Sub-Mariner, the ruler of Atlantis, who always prefers to stand alone in the comics. Namor can be played for 4 energy, and he possesses an impressive 5 power; however, if he stands alone at a given location, he gains an additional 5 power. This is perfectly complemented by Atlantis, which gives a solo card a further 5 power. That means a well-placed Namor possesses an impressive 15 power. It's the perfect mechanic for Namor the Sub-Mariner, meaning he's more powerful than ever when he's in his element.

Death's Domain Is A Powerful (And Appropriate) Marvel SNAP Location

Marvel Death

Marvel Comics has anthropomorphized death itself, and indeed Death is the beloved of Thanos. Appropriately enough, then, any card placed in Death's Domain is destroyed. Some decks will struggle to adapt around Death's Domain, but there are a handful who play well with the location - ones that boost other cards when they are destroyed, for example, or others that are immune to destruction (such as Colossus). Cards that are moved into Death's Domain are not destroyed, meaning it is indeed possible for a character to travel into this dark realm and survive.

The Savage Land Is A Perfect Comic Book Location In Marvel SNAP

Dinosaurs walk the Savage Land from Marvel comics

A prehistoric wilderness concealed in Antarctica, the Savage Land summons two 1 power Raptors for each player. This is a perfectly fitting mechanic for the location, given that the presence of dinosaurs is the Savage Land's key characteristic. It's also designed to suit Ka-Zar, ruler and effectively god of the Savage Land, who gives an additional 2 power to the raptors.

Related: Marvel SNAP: Apocalypse Deck Guide (Tips, Cards, & Strategies)

Marvel SNAP's Starlight Citadel Honors The Comics

X-Men Starlight Citadel

Situated at the heart of the mystical realm called Otherworld, the Starlight Citadel is a portal through the multiverse. Marvel SNAP has given this location the perfect mechanic, in that it shuffles the three locations around randomly at the end of position 4. This is a smart random factor, in that it means cards can suddenly find themselves placed on locations that work against them; it's a real game-changer.

Weirdworld Is Marvel SNAP's Most Unique Comic Book Location

Weirdworld in Marvel Comics

In the comics, Weirdworld is a fragment of a fantasy dimension that was brought into the main Marvel timeline after 2015's Secret Wars event. Weirdworld is known for its unpredictability, with heroes struggling to adapt to a realm where the normal laws of physics simply do not apply. It's fitting, then, that in Marvel SNAP players draw from one another's decks - making for a random, unpredictable game where players need to think on their feet.

Next: Marvel Snap: How To Level Up (The Fast Way)