Tesla cars operate much more like modern technology than a traditional vehicle, although there are times when manual control is still needed. In an emergency, the door of a Tesla can be physically opened without delay and without relying on any digital controls. This is important since the electronic controls could be damaged or lose power.

Electric vehicles aren't really a new idea. The first electric cars began to appear in the early 1800s and were known as horseless carriages since the electric motor replaced a horse but was otherwise basically the same design. Modern electric cars try harder to distinguish themselves from their gas-powered counterparts, and a Tesla is more computerized than others with a large touchscreen central to the experience and remote control possible with a mobile app.

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Despite all of Tesla's advanced safety features and intelligent design, there might be emergency situations that require the user to open the door manually. If something goes wrong and the car has no power, the electronic button to open the door from the inside won't be able to use motors to operate the door latch. In this case, the occupants can use the manual release that is located in front of the windows switches. This lever can be lifted up and back to open the front doors. For the rear doors, there is no manual control and occupants would need to climb over and out in the unlikely event that the car is completely without power. Tesla notes that the manual door release should only be used if the button that opens the door electronically is not working.

Telsa Outside Door Controls

Tesla Emergency Interior Inside Door Release

Tesla uses clever, aerodynamic exterior door handles in its cars that lie flush with the body, instead of the protruding handles of traditional vehicles. To open the doors from the outside, simply press inward at the back of the handle with a thumb. The front pivots out and provides a place for the hand to grip and pull the door open. While ice build-up in winter conditions can interfere with operating the Tesla's handle, there are easy solutions.

A bump with the edge of the hand might be enough to break up the ice. Tesla notes that the amount of force should be equivalent to knocking on a door. Striking the door panel too hard can cause dents. A little WD-40 applied to the door handle pivot pins can prevent this from being a concern and is a good idea. It's important to know how to get out of a Tesla in case of an emergency and getting inside might be just as urgent in the winter.

Next: Tesla Keys: How To Set Up A Phone To Unlock & Start A Model 3

Source: Tesla