Google Assistant is gaining a new trick for Apple users, with the digital helper now able to track down and locate a lost iPhone. This is something that the Google Assistant has been able to do on Android for quite some time, but up until now, it's never been available for folks that use an iPhone.

Prior to this update, the best way to find a lost iPhone was with Apple's Find My service. If an iPhone got lost, its owner could open the Find My app on an iPad or Mac, or alternatively, go to the iCloud website on a Windows computer. From there, Apple shows the exact location of the iPhone, allows users to remotely play a sound so they can find it, and even has options for locking or erasing the device. All of this works incredibly well, but for iPhone owners that are heavily invested in the Google Assistant ecosystem, this latest update is still worth checking out.

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Google made the announcement on April 14, 2021, and along with sharing the news that the Assistant can be used to locate an iPhone, it also provided instructions on how to set up the feature. To get started, make sure the Google Home app is installed on the iPhone and that Voice Match is set up. From there, just say 'Hey Google, find my iPhone' or 'Hey Google, where's my iPhone?' to any Assistant speaker/display.

Tips For Finding A Lost iPhone With Google Assistant

iOS 14 Home Screen

By default, Google Assistant can only locate/ring a lost iPhone if the ringer is turned on and Do not Disturb isn't enabled. That's not exactly helpful for all situations, but thankfully, there is a way around this. Open the Google Home app on the iPhone, tap 'Settings,' and then tap 'Notifications.' If there's an option to turn on notifications, do that. If it doesn't show up, that means notifications have already been enabled. Once that's done, tap 'General notifications' on that Notifications page and make sure 'Critical Alerts' is enabled. When this is turned on, the Google Assistant can make a lost iPhone ring even if the ringer is turned off and Do not Disturbed is active — making the feature considerably more useful.

From there, using the feature is pretty easy. After issuing one of the above voice commands to a Google Assistant speaker or smart display, it will send a notification to the iPhone that forces it to ring for 25 seconds. After finding the iPhone, the ringing can be stopped by tapping the notification. The iPhone also needs to have a cellular or Wi-Fi connection in order for the feature to work, so if it's on airplane mode or in a dead zone, the Google Assistant can't do anything.

Even with those limitations in mind, this is still a really great addition for iPhone owners. While Find My is a more complete service with expanded features and functionality, it requires someone to hop onto a computer or iPad. With this update to the Google Assistant, a lost iPhone can be found just by talking to a smart speaker.

Next: iOS 15: iPhone Features Apple Needs To Add With 2021 Update

Source: Google (1), (2)