Mokoko Seeds are collectible currency in Lost Ark that can be traded for valuable rewards in Mokoko Village. Players can find a total of six within the Aquilok's Tail Dungeon of Rethramis. The first two seeds are located in a hidden area at the bottom-right of the map. To enter this room, walk under the large monster ribcage covering the bottom of the screen. Inside Lost Ark players can collect the two Mokoko Seeds.

The next two Mokoko Seeds of Aquilok's Tail can be found in the southwest portion of the map. One seed sits out in the open beside a few stalagmites. However, the other is more well-hidden. Search the bushes and tall grass near the rocks that border the left to collect the fourth seed. The fifth Mokoko Seed is similar to the fourth, concealed within some greenery adjacent to clusters of crystals. To find this seed, players must look in the shrubs beside the broken dead tree slightly to the northwest of the map.

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The last Mokoko Seed location in Aquilok's Tail is in the final area of the Dungeon. This seed sits visibly out in the open but can be easily missed since it blends well with the surrounding environment. Finally, Lost Ark players can discover the sixth seed in the corner to the left side of the area near more greenish crystal clumps. After fans collect this seed, they will have successfully found all the Mokoko Seed within Aquilok's Tail.

Where To Find Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds In Aquilok's Tail

All Aquiloks Tail Mokoko Seeds in Lost Ark

It should be noted that the first four Mokoko Seeds within the Aquilok's Tail Dungeon are in areas that aren't marked on the map. As a result, some players may overlook exploring these spots. Additionally, as mentioned above, the seeds can be quite challenging to see within the cave, as their green leaves may blend in well with the marshy environment. To identify a Mokoko Seed, new Lost Ark players will see a glowing greenish aura once they've collected the item. A pear-shaped icon will also appear on the map once the seed has been found.

To pick up a Mokoko Seed, press and hold the G key while standing near the seed. A progress bar will appear with the text, "It gives off a gentle and pleasing aroma." Players must continue to hold down G until the bar is filled. Afterward, the Mokoko Seed will be added to the Collectibles inventory.

Next: Lost Ark: Portal Stones Farming Guide

Lost Ark is available on PC via Steam.