In Loki episode 5, "Journey Into Mystery," Loki, Sylvie and Mobius find themselves trapped in the landfill at the end of time, where all of the many variant supervillains and superheroes defeated by the Time Variance Authority have been sent when they were "pruned." Through Easter eggs dotted around the landscape of the Void, Loki reveals that world-ending threats like Thanos and Ronan the Accuser are just another afternoon of tedious filing for the TVA.

Though most of the TVA's employees believing that "pruning" people and objects erases them from existence, what their weapons actually do is move people and things to a place at the very end of time. Once there, they are effectively removed from the sacred timeline and cannot disrupt it any more. What's more, a sentient raging tempest called Alioth looms over the Void and snacks on any new arrivals, killing people and reducing objects to withered ruins. Since Lokis are good at escaping, however, the Void has a small population of Loki variants who mostly spend their time double-crossing and backstabbing each other.

Related: Loki Episode 5 Ending Explained: Where Are Sylvie & Loki?

Loki isn't the only former big bad of the Marvel Cinematic Universe who has ended up in the Void. As Loki L1130 realized when he found a junk drawer full of Infinity Stones at the TVA, the timeline-policing organization just might be the greatest power in the universe. And to prove it, here are all the remnants of the MCU's greatest superheroes and supervillains that have been pruned by the TVA.


Thanos and Thanos Copter in Loki

Thanos was the over-arching antagonist of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Infinity Saga. He doled out portions of his power to both Loki and Ronan the Accuser, which served to build the character up as the most powerful supervillain in the MCU. This culminated in the ultimate cliffhanger ending when Avengers: Infinity War concluded with Thanos assembling the Infinity Gauntlet, snapping his fingers, and wiping out half of all life in the universe - superheroes included.

The impact of Thanos' attack on Earth would probably have been lessened considerably if he'd flown a dinky little yellow helicopter with his name on it, instead of his city-sized warship. And perhaps that's why the TVA chose to prune a version of Thanos who flew the Thanos Copter, an extremely goofy-looking mode of transportation from the comics. The Avengers had to use a combination of time travel, all six Infinity Stones and several armies to finally defeat Thanos. For the TVA, it was just a case of poking the Mad Titan with a glowing stick.

Ronan The Accuser

Loki Ronan The Accuser Easter Egg

One of the larger features of the Void's landscape is the ruins of the Dark Aster, the spaceship belonging to Guardians of the Galaxy villain Ronan the Accuser. A Kree fanatic intent on un-making the peace that had finally been settled between his own people and the people of Xandar, Ronan was able to obtain the Power Stone and came close to destroying an entire planet with it. Tragedy was averted thanks to a timely dance-off challenge from Star-Lord, but it's possible that in another branching timeline Ronan successfully wielded the Power Stone in a mighty conquest across the universe - or would have done, had he not been pruned by the TVA. Of course, the TVA doesn't only prevent bad things from happening. It could just as easily be the case that Ronan and the Dark Aster were pruned because the Kree warlord ate the wrong kind of cereal for breakfast one day.

Related: All 6 Loki Episodes Are Infinity Stones - Theory & Ending Spoiler Explained

Red Skull

Loki Red Skull Easter Egg

Red Skull was the first great enemy of the MCU's Captain America, and is indirectly responsible for Steve Rogers spending 70 years frozen in the Arctic Ocean. After his appearance in Captain America: The First Avenger, Red Skull was banished to Vormir by the Tesseract, where he lived a lonely existence as the guardian of the Soul Stone. Having been in contact with two Infinity Stones and played a pivotal role in the backstory of one of Earth's Mightiest Heroes, there are a lot of ways in which Red Skull could potentially mess up the sacred timeline, so it's not surprising that this red-faced supervillain has been pruned by the TVA at least once. As Loki L1130 and the other variants are traversing the Void, they pass by a crashed vessel that is recognizable as Red Skull's rocket plane. Perhaps there's a Red Skull variant still wandering around at the end of time, evading Alioth's wrath. At least it's a slightly less boring existence than being camped out on Vormir.

Giant Yellowjacket

Loki Yellowjacket Easter Egg

Darren Cross a.k.a. Yellowjacket was the villain of 2015's Ant-Man. His suit featured similar shrinking powers to Scott Lang's, with the added bonus of "stingers" that could fire deadly lasers, but Scott later learned a trick that Yellowjacket didn't live long enough to try: growing to gigantic proportions instead of shrinking. Apparently one version of Yellowjacket did succeed in becoming Giant Yellowjacket, but he didn't get to enjoy it for long, as a giant Yellowjacket helmet (possibly with a head still inside) is seen moldering on the landscape of the Void.

The Living Tribunal

The Living Tribunal statue in Loki

Perhaps the most interesting feature of the Void's landscape is a half-buried statue depicting the head of the Living Tribunal. In Marvel Comics, the Living Tribunal is a powerful cosmic entity that maintains balance across the Multiverse. According to the Time Variance Authority's orientation video, the Time-Keepers eliminated all the warring timelines and created a single, sacred timeline - which would presumably also eliminate the Multiverse. While the Time-Keepers may have turned out to be fake, someone created the TVA, and it's possible that defeating the Living Tribunal was their first step towards doing so.


Loki Throg Easter Egg

Simultaneously the funniest and most tragic Easter egg in Loki episode 5 is a brief glimpse of a jar buried in the ground, with a frog dressed in a cape desperately leaping up at the Mjolnir embedded just a little way above it. This unusual amphibian is Throg - basically Thor, but a frog. His full backstory is actually that he was a man called Simon Walterson, who was turned into a frog by a witch and subsequently transformed into Throg after proving himself worthy of the power of Thor. Throg has his own tiny version of Mjolnir, Frogjolnir, which was forged from a sliver of the original weapon - but apparently the Throg in the Void at the end of time has been separated from his own hammer, and he cannot reach the larger version. Poor Throg.

Related: Every Loki Variant Confirmed In The MCU


Loki Thor Mjolnir

Since the Mjolnir buried in the dirt above Throg isn't Throg's weapon, it was instead presumably left behind by a Thor variant who was defeated by the TVA. As Classic Loki and the unfortunate crew of the USS Eldridge demonstrated, Alioth leaves inanimate objects intact (though damaged), but completely destroys any people that it consumes. Thor may be mightier than Loki, but he's not as wily, and he's also not the typo of superhero to run away from the prospect of a fight with a monstrous storm cloud. It's extremely likely that the Thor variant who wielded this Mjolnir was eaten by Alioth within minutes of his arrival.

Lokis (Various)

All five Loki variants speak on a hill in the Void in Loki

Earlier in the series, Mobius revealed that the TVA has pruned more Lokis than almost any other variant. And owing to the slippery nature of Lokis, many of the variants who were pruned ended up surviving in the Void at the end of time and even installing a few home comforts. Among the Loki variants that have been pruned are Boastful Loki (who claims he was pruned for assembling all six Infinity Stones), Kid Loki (who was pruned for killing Thor), Alligator Loki (who ate the wrong neighbor's cat) and Classic Loki (who survived Thanos' attack at the start of Avengers: Infinity War and lived a long life of isolation, only being pruned when he decided to try and return home).

More: Loki Episode 5: Every Marvel Easter Egg In The Void

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