When asked about Loki episode 4's line about Titans and vampires, director Kate Herron refuses to dive deep into it, passing the query instead to MCU boss Kevin Feige. The latest episode of the Marvel Studios show had a lot of plot twists and turns including the revelation that the Time-Keepers don't exist and the pruning of both Mobius and Loki. But, one minor detail from the outing is being suspected as a set-up for future storytelling in the franchise.

Titled "The Nexus Event," Loki episode 4 featured a return to the TVA office after spending the previous week mostly in Lamentis-1. Loki and Sylvie were immediately separated, with the former handled by Mobius exclusively. But with both Hunter B-20 and Mobius having growing doubts about the organization they work for, the pair eventually betrayed the TVA and teamed up with the Lokis. Before that, however, Mobius vocally expressed his exasperation on dealing with the variants, casually mentioning that they have dealt with "Krees, vampires, and Titans," but this is the most chaotic mission thus far.

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Speaking with CinemaBlend, Herron was asked to comment on this short but potentially important line in Loki episode 4. But instead of giving a straight-up non-answer, she simply passed on the question to Feige, who could better give an explanation for it. That said, she ended with the tease that it's an Easter egg that has ramifications in the bigger MCU.

I would say you’d have to ask Kevin Feige [laughs]… That’s something with Marvel for sure.

Blade Mahershala Ali Titans Thanos Kree Ronan the Accuser loki

For context, Krees have already been introduced in the MCU through Captain Marvel. They are the militaristic people of Hala — where Carol Danvers resided after she was kidnapped by Yon-Rogg from Earth. Before that, however, Ronan has previously appeared in Guardians of the Galaxy, who is also from the same race. Meanwhile, Titans refer to those who come from the planet Titan — Thanos' homeworld in the comics, and as confirmed in Avengers: Infinity War, also in the MCU. Arguably the most interesting bit from Mobius' line is the name-dropping vampires in the MCU; this is more likely a nod to the upcoming debut of Blade. Academy Award-winning actor Mahershala Ali has been confirmed to star in the project, although no release date has been confirmed thus far.

Marvel Studios thrives in playing the long game. While they claim that their focus has always been on the endeavor at hand, they're also known for planting seemingly invaluable details in films and shows that eventually turn out to be of significance in future projects. Loki has already laid the groundwork for some of the biggest storytelling from the MCU in the near future, particularly the further exploration of the Marvel multiverse. Considering Herron's comment, chances are that Mobius' line would also mean something important moving forward.

More: Loki Hints That A Thanos Variant Exists In The MCU

Source: CinemaBlend

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