WARNING: This article contains major spoilers for Loki episode 3.

While it may seem odd that the God of Mischief is affected by the destruction on Lamentis in Loki, there’s a deeper meaning behind it. Episode 3 of the Disney+ series finally reveals where Tom Hiddleston’s Loki goes after disappearing with Sophia Di Martino’s Lady Loki at the end of episode 2. The pair wind up at the Time Variance Authority headquarters, where Lady Loki, who goes by Sylvie, tries to take out the TVA guards and take down the Time-Keepers. The Time-Keepers are the gods that watch over the Sacred Timeline, so destroying them will ruin the TVA and cause complete timeline chaos. However, Loki messes up her plan.

With the TVA closing in on Loki and Sylvie, the God of Mischief uses a device called a TemPad to escape, transporting both of them to Lamentis-1 in the year 2077. Sylvie is instantly alarmed as Lamentis-1 is a moon on the brink of destruction, as the planet around which it revolves, Lamentis, is set to crash into Lamentis-1 in mere hours. “Of all of the apocalypses saved on that TemPad, this is the worst,” Sylvie exclaims. According to her, this isn't an average MCU apocalyptic event. There are meteors, gravity quakes, and complete lunar annihilation. The moon is utterly destroyed, and no one makes it out alive.

Related: Loki's TVA Is Ant-Man's Secret Quantum Realm City - Theory Explained

In the episode, Loki shows remorse for the residents of the doomed moon. During their plight on Lamentis-1, Loki and Sylvie come across a woman staying put in her home despite the impending apocalypse. Loki later muses on it, saying that it’s a “pity the old woman chose to die.” Eventually, the two Loki variants arrive at an evacuation vessel and see chaos in the streets as countless people are shut out from safety and left to their fate. “They’re going to let these people die,” Loki says, horrified. The normally callous God of Mischief is uncharacteristically rattled because Lamentis-1's destruction hits a little too close to literal and figurative home.

Loki Episode 3 Loki And Sylvia Talking Vertical

The comments reveal new insight into Loki’s character. While at the TVA, Loki learns of his complete MCU timeline, including the destruction of Asgard. Reading about the devastation of his lifelong home even brings tears to his eyes. Though Loki brushes it off and feigns indifference when Owen Wilson’s Agent Mobius expresses his condolences, Asgard's fate undeniably affected Loki deeply. Knowing about this and all the unnecessary Asgardian deaths makes Lamentis-1’s demise feel more personal. Loki is immediately more empathetic toward people going through the same horrors.

It's clear Loki’s time at the TVA has changed him. Before being arrested by the agency, the God of Mischief attempted to wipe out all of Jotunheim in Thor and killed dozens of people in The Avengers. The Loki of the past has suffered, and he wants to make others suffer. But this isn’t the same God of Mischief. In the Loki premiere, he admits he doesn’t like hurting people. He does it because he thinks he has to. Loki even sees his past actions as villainous. Though the TVA took Loki against his will, his time there has changed him for the better. The Loki who was initially taken by the TVA wouldn’t care about random people on a doomed moon. In lamenting Lamentis-1, Loki shows the God of Mischief does have a heart.

Loki releases new episodes every Wednesday on Disney+.

More: How Lady Loki Is Different From Tom Hiddleston's Variant

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