Warning: SPOILERS for Loki episode 3

In Loki episode 3, "Lamentis", the God of Mischief maintained that he's not susceptible to mind control, and yet, he was supposedly manipulated by Thanos in The Avengers using the Mind Stone - a plot hole Marvel now needs to fix for his redemption. The Asgardian Prince continued his adventure on the small screen with his variant, named Sylvie, as they found themselves accidentally stuck on Lamentis-1. With their TemPad out of battery, the pair has to find a way to get out of the moon as it's on the brink of total destruction. 

With Loki tasked to help the TVA hunt down his rogue variant, his first interaction with her was less than ideal. But as they realized that they're better off working together given their predicament on Lamentis-1, they decided on a truce and developed an unlikely bond. The God of Mischief, at some points, genuinely opened up, talking about his childhood, and his mother, Frigga. Sylvie, on her part, also shared certain aspects of her life —including a long-distance love affair with a postman. But before they decided on teaming up, the variant attempted one last time to enchant the Asgardian Prince, the same way she did the TVA Hunters and Roxxcart people in Loki episode 2, but it didn't work because supposedly, his mind is too strong to be affected by it. 

Related: Why Loki Can't Ride Backwards On Trains (& Why It's Important)

It's a plausible explanation to the matter, but while it works well in the context of the Loki show, it directly contradicts what's known about the trickster in the MCU. Loki's attempt to take over in The Avengers was only made possible by the help of Thanos after the God of Mischief was not only loaned the Chitauri Army but was also given the Scepter that housed the Mind Stone, which "acted as a mind control device." This means that throughout the events of the 2012 ensemble film, the Asgardian's actions weren't solely his own; Loki was manipulated by the Mind Stone, seemingly by Thanos from the shadows via the Scepter. Marvel Studios used this to explain why Loki was far more ruthless and cruel during this endeavor, with his rampage resulting in the death of 80 people. It effectively excused his behavior and made his redemption later more plausible.  

Loki Enchanted By Sylvie

Given these contradicting ideas, it is uncertain which one is the truth, and it’s difficult to decipher it without any official word considering that Loki is prone to lying. While it's been years since the events of The Avengers, in terms of the Loki show, the God of Mischief has just failed his attempt in invading Earth when he was arrested by the TVA. If he was honest with Sylvie, then that more likely means that he had autonomy during the Battle of New York, which makes his eventual redemption in the MCU a much sharper turn in terms of his arc. On the other hand, if the Loki was just bluffing, and, in reality, he's not really immune to mind control as he was under Thanos spell, then how and why was he able to fend off Sylvie's enchantment?

Perhaps the Mind Stone is just far more powerful or Sylvie's tricks don't affect him because she's his variant. But, whatever the case may be, Marvel Studios needs to address the matter sooner rather than later as this looming question has a significant impact on how Loki's overall arc is perceived. In The Avengers, he was a full-blown villain, willing to do anything just to amass power. But, since then, there seemed to be a conscious effort to characterize him as an anti-hero instead. This allowed a linear progression in his ultimate redemption that, somehow, still factors in his current adventure despite not experiencing it. Loki now needs to bring it all back together.

More: Loki: Every MCU Easter Egg In Episode 3

Loki releases new episodes every Wednesday on Disney+.

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