It may have taken a little push, but Wonder Woman managed to get a shocking secret out of Superman's greatest enemy, Lex Luthor. Amidst a dire situation, Diana used the Lasso of Truth to restrain Lex Luthor, only for him to reveal what his actual problem with Superman is.

Since the Man of Steel first burst onto the scene, Lex Luthor has been there to challenge him. No matter what noble deeds Superman has done in the name of humanity, Luthor remains confident in his belief that the hero is one of humanity's biggest threats. The wicked industrialist has done everything he can to smear the good name of Superman and turn the public against him. But no matter how much money he spends on propaganda or anti-Superman science projects, nothing has stopped the world from accepting Superman as the number one hero.

Related: Superman Made DC's Most Ridiculous Lex Luthor Meme Canon

And that love may be something that bothers Lex Luthor more than he lets on. In Blackest Night #7 by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis, heroes and villains have been drafted into the various Lantern Corps of the Emotional Spectrum to assist fighting the Black Lantern army. Among them, Luthor has been inducted into the Orange Lantern Corps due to his immense capacity for greed. His avarice gets the better of him though, and he begins turning on his allies in an attempt to add their rings to his collection. Several heroes are diverted away from the fight to stop the villain from ruining everything. Wonder Woman takes the lead on restraining Lex, busting out her trusty Lasso of Truth. As the magics of the Lasso work on Luthor, he reveals what he wants more than anything else: "What I really to be Superman."

Wonder Woman Lex Luthor Superman Truth DC Comics

This is a bold admission from someone who notoriously doesn't let others know what he thinks. But the Orange Lantern ring amplifies Luthor's desires to greater levels than they previously were, and when that is combined with Diana's lasso, he stands no chance of not revealing his ultimate desire. It may not be the most surprising secret, but the peek into Lex's mind shows a sad reasoning for why he chose the path of villainy.

The idea that Lex Luthor wants to be the Man of Steel shouldn't be too shocking. He's long held the belief that he would be mankind's greatest savior if it wasn't for the meddling of his alien adversary. But Wonder Woman peels back an important part of Luthor and reveals that under all the hatred and scheming, Lex just wants the same adoration that Superman gets. There's no doubt that he'd love the power that comes with being a Kryptonian, but more than anything else, Luthor just wants to be seen as the hero of the story. The fact that Luthor's desire to kill Clark is rooted in his inferiority complex doesn't excuse his villainous endeavors, but it does make them more pitiful. Wonder Woman's lasso helped reveal that while Lex Luthor may play the villain, he'll never stop wishing he was in Superman's place.

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