League of Legends' upcoming champion Renata Glasc is a Chem-Baron from Zaun, whose release is most likely related to the success of Riot's Netflix series Arcane. Chem-Barons are powerful individuals who often control specific Zaun areas and are often both as feared as they are respected. Unfortunately, not much is yet known about Renata other than her abilities and the somewhat cold and pragmatic nature derived by her quotes: "Progress comes at a price others aren't willing to pay," and "Work for me, or work against me—doesn't matter. Everyone comes to my side eventually".

Riot has presented Renata as a support character, whose role often consists of teaming up with a marksman in the bottom lane. Marksmen are item-dependent characters who rely on items to gain the most value, so their goal in League of Legends is to farm as much CS as they can. Unfortunately, they are very often quite weak during the early game and focus on building damage items exclusively, which means they require a lot of assistance to be able to farm and stay alive until they farm enough to be able to carry.

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Meanwhile, supports often have the most value in the early game due to their innate strong ability kit. Good supports usually don't require many items to be useful, which allows them to give all creep gold to their marksman while staying relevant throughout the game. As Renata possesses many abilities that synergize greatly with others, it is very unlikely that she will see much play outside of her normal role as a support champion in League of Legends.

How Renata's Abilities Work in League of Legends

How Renata's Abilities Work in League of Legends

Renata's passive ability will have her deal extra damage with her auto-attack and mark them with a debuff. This mark will trigger extra damage whenever someone on her team attacks that enemy. This passive ability may make attack speed items more attractive to Renata as they will synergize greatly with most marksmen, who tend to build those items as well, allowing this passive to trigger more often.

Renata's Handshake Ability in League Of Legends

This ability is a medium-range skill shot that will root the first enemy hit. After that, players can recast this ability to throw that enemy in a target direction. Enemies hit by that throw will be damaged and will also be stunned if the thrown enemy is a champion. League of Legends champions, such as Leona, have already proven how powerful crowd control abilities are for support characters as they add a lot of value in fights and in setting up ganks with the jungler. "Handshake" seems especially powerful, as not only is it a root and a displacement, it also has the potential to be an area-of-effect stun, making it extremely useful during team fights.

Renata's Bailout Ability in League Of Legends

Renata's Bailout Ability in League Of Legends

This ability will buff Renata and an allied champion with ramping attack speed and movement speed towards enemies. If the ally kills an enemy champion while the buff is active, its duration will reset. Additionally, if that teammate dies while under the effects of "Bailout," their health will instead go back to full, but they will burn to death within three seconds. The burning will stop if the buffed champion manages to get a takedown within those three seconds.

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"Bailout" will most likely be one of Renata's most powerful abilities as it greatly increases marksmen's lethality, survivability, and snowball potential. Marksmen in League of Legends, such as Jhin, are usually built as glass cannons, dealing high amounts of damage but are very easy to kill. "Bailout" increases their lethality by providing attack speed and movement speed as well as providing great snowball potential as certain champions such as Jinx or Master Yi gain immense power during team fights whenever they get a takedown.

Renata's Loyalty Program Ability in League Of Legends

This ability is a medium ranged skill shot that will fire missiles in a target direction, hitting enemies around Renata, in a line in front of her, and in a circle at the end of the skill shot. The missiles will slowly damage enemies and provide a shield to Renata, and any allies hit. This ability might seem underwhelming compared to her other skills. Still, a ranged slow shield can also be very powerful in team fights and set up other skill shots during the laning-phase, such as Ezreal's Mystic Shot or even her "Handshake" ability.

Renata's Hostile Takeover Ability in League Of Legends

Renata's Hostile Takeover Ability in League Of Legends

"Hostile Takeover" is an area-of-effect ability that will fire a cloud of chemicals in a wide area in front of Renata and will cause any enemy hit to go Berserk. This condition will increase enemies' attack speed but will also force them to attack anything around them. As a result, berserk enemies will prioritize attacking their allies, then neutral units such as Baron or jungle camps, then Renata's team, and finally Renata herself.

Renata's ultimate will most likely provide the most fun and memorable moments as its effects have never before been seen in League of Legends. "Hostile Takeover" seems incredibly powerful as it can provide crowd control for a few seconds and severely punish auto-attack-focused enemies, such as Tryndamere, Master Yi, or one of Arcane's main characters Jinx. This ability will most likely make Renata one of the most powerful champions to have when a team is behind, as it can use the enemies' strength against them and completely turn around team fights and even the game.

Renata Glasc Champion in League of Legends

As a support champion, Renata will most likely work best with attack speed-focused marksmen with great reset potentials, such as Jinx, Vayne, or Tristana. Jinx is one of the strongest marksmen at the moment, primarily due to her reset potential, which could be made even more significant with Renata's "Bailout." Vayne is a hyper carry that has the potential to carry the late game by herself, something that Renata can enable with her ultimate, and her ability to keep an ally alive with "Bailout" while setting up stuns with Vayne's "Condemn" via "Handshake." Lastly, Tristana is attack-speed dependent, has reset potential, and also has a lot of burst damage early game, which synergizes greatly with Renata's "Bailout" ability by allowing her to jump in to maximize her damage, get a kill to "revive" herself, then jump back out due to her passive.

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League of Legends is available on PC.