Scavenge, shoot, skulk, repeat. The Last of Us Part 2 retains the familiar flow of its predecessor. Along with the original, a player’s scavenging is always further bolstered by a few high-ticket loot caches to be found around the landscape of overgrown Seattle, all of which are squirreled away in some tucked-away safes and combination locks. Most of these codes can be found nearby, but when progressing past certain points in the game, it’s important to secure these resources before locking them behind a given checkpoint.

The Last of Us Part 2 is Naughty Dog’s long-awaited, critically-acclaimed sequel, letting players return to beloved characters (and bid some goodbye as well). The Sony hardware exclusive has proven divisive, a quality which sounds like something director Neil Druckmann anticipated if not necessarily provoked. With the game over a week old, players have been spending plenty of time exploring Seattle and sneakily dispatching humans and infected by the dozens.

Related: The Last of Us Part 2 Ending Explained: A Devastating Symmetry

The original The Last of Us had plenty of safes as well and figuring out how to unlock them granted a nice respite to the stress-inducing tension found in the rest of the game. Careful investigation of a safe’s surroundings—including picking up readable artifacts or looking out for scrawled graffiti—is usually the best way to get at what’s inside, but for players who need a quick fix to get the job done in The Last of Us Part II, Screen Rant has the guide for you.

Act 1 Safes in The Last of Us 2

The Last of Us Part II Safes Guide Supermarket

Prologue: Supermarket

While traveling through the wintry Wyoming surroundings on patrol with Dina, the two of you will inevitably run into a supermarket. Here is a nice, easy combination code to solve for the prologue portion of the game, as well as featuring one of the conventionally cutest code solutions.

To get into the safe you’ll need to use the code for the “good boy” employee of the month: specifically, the golden retriever presented on the corkboard. The pupper took the prize in July of 2013 (mere months before the Cordyceps epidemic in September), so the code here is 07-20-13.

Seattle Day 1: Downtown // Courthouse

The courthouse is a key location in downtown Seattle—Dina needs Ellie when she spots it by its large stone-etched label—and is part of the hunt for fuel to unlock the F—K FERDA gate into the next chapter. After you successfully get through the room with Clickers and Runners, you’ll see an elevator shaft that leads to the next section of the building—make sure you don’t go down that shaft first!

There’s an adjacent room where a FERDA official has been murdered with a machete, which you can remove and equip. Just to make sure players now the code, it can actually be found in two areas: the whiteboard behind the official, and a note artifact which can be plucked from the filing cabinet. The code to use is 86-07-22.

Seattle Day 1: Downtown // Gate West 2

The Last of Us Part II Safes Guide Gate West 2

On the west side of the Downtown Seattle map, you’ll find a labeled entrance for Gate West 2 that you can squeeze into. Rather than being an egress of the downtown area, this little nook provides a safe and some supplies in the corner, which can be unlocked with a very familiar code (and the only 4-digit code in the game): 0451. Fans of Deus Ex—and the dozens of games along the years which cheerfully borrow this code—will get the reference.

Seattle Day 1: Downtown // Bank Vault

You can find the wrecked bank on the southern edge of the Downtown map, and Dina should call it out at some point while the two of you are riding around on Shimmer. The bank is accessible through a wrecked corner of the building and contains an assortment of Clickers and Runners, which should be cleared out before investigating the full area.

The vault in the bank is presently locked, but it’s the best and quickest way to obtain the all-powerful shotgun weapon. Investigating the nearby artifacts will reveal the backstory of a group of thieves who, while successful, would never get to enjoy their winnings. The bank vault code is 60-23-06.

Seattle Day 1: Downtown // Thrift Store

Keep an eye out for a safe once you enter the area with tripwire mines, where Ellie relates the encounter in the first game when she met Bill. Soon after you see your first mine, you’ll have an opportunity to entire a Goodwill-like thrift store, where a letter on a corkboard mentions a safe, though the code is torn.

You can find the full code, which is the last six digits of Staci’s phone number, written in graffiti on the bathroom wall (you’ll need your flashlight on to read it). On the adjacent door is a room with the safe, though it’s also one of the game’s notable jumpscares, as a legless clicker will surprise you. You actually don’t need to waste supplies on it, and can smash it to death with your foot. Either way, the code for the safe is 55-01-33.

Seattle Day 1: The Tunnels

The Last of Us Part II Safes Guide The Tunnels

Technically not a safe or a vault, but it fits the bill. Once you’ve progressed past the new Shambler infected encounter, you’ll be in a long hallway with Dina. There will be a blue door on your right, which Dina usually opens first as you make your way forward, even though you could technically run past this area if you were in a hurry. There will be a brown door past here that has a lock on it with single-use numbers.

A note nearby will hint to you that the code is in the soda machine, where you’ll find a scrap of paper with the first three digits. Rather than prompt some endless trial-and-error attempt, the last two digits of the door code can only be one of two options, but here it is 1-5-2-4-3.

Seattle Day 2: Hillcrest

There’s a garage you’ll find behind a tattoo shop and a cosmetics store, but be aware that it’s being blocked with a dumpster for a reason: it’s crawling with infected. Interestingly, a few artifacts, later on, will reveal why it’s so full, so keep an eye out for that interesting bit of town lore.

Once the infected are dealt with, you’ll find Dale’s safe inside the garage. So far as these supply caches go, the solution is considerably farther from the safe itself than most, but a note in a nearby store will reveal the correct code: 30-82-65.

Seattle Day 2: The Seraphites // Apartment Building

The Last of Us Part II Safes Guide Wedding Code Safe

Near one of the game’s most brilliant jumpscares (a scene pretty much lifted directly from the original Dead Space), you can find the safe left behind by a longtime married couple in this area’s apartment complex. Jump outside the window and leap over the ledge to access the locked apartment across the apartment with the jumpscare.

A note in the apartment mentions that the safe code is the couple’s original wedding date. Subtract 30 years from 2013 and you can figure it out with the annotated calendar on the wall: 10-08-83.

Seattle Day 2: The Seraphites // Weston’s Pharmacy

This safe will be close by after you encounter the boss fight-like Seraphite brute wielding a pickaxe. Once he and his partners are dealt with, you’ll emerge into an outdoor area where Ellie will once again make note of the hospital in the distance. From here you can drop down to find Weston’s Pharmacy.

In the pharmacy, on a shelf near the cash register, is a letter with mentions the safe and its code. Scan the pharmacy until you find a passageway in the wall, which will lead you to the room with the safe. The code for the safe is 38-55-23.

Seattle Day 3: The Flooded City

Once Ellie gets the boat and starts skimming along the water, you’ll eventually encounter a locked gate. To the side of the gate is a gated-off section with a locked door, holding the safe in question.

Hop off the boat and take the stairs, then keep moving onward until you find a body next to a note with the safe code. Nearby is a cart that can be moved, revealing a hole you can crawl into, which will eventually lead to the safe you’ll need. The code for the last safe of Ellie’s journey is 70-12-64.

Act 2 Safes in The Last of Us 2

The Last of Us Part II Safes Guide Apartment Safe

Seattle Day 1: On Foot // Trailer

Make sure not to miss this safe if you want to pick up the Hunting Pistol early. After Abby’s team clears the hardware warehouse, you’ll see a storage container office, but the door is locked. Break one of the rear windows to enter and find a note, referencing that a safe code is some sort of winning number. This points to the encircled lottery number on the corkboard.

To find the safe itself, pass through a crack in the wall near some pallets in a building across from the office. The safe inside can be unlocked with the code: 17-38-07.

Seattle Day 1: Hostile Territory // Jasmine Bakery

The Last of Us Part II Safes Guide Jasmine Bakery

This safe can be quickly found after passing the early section of this chapter, through the hotel with two Runners and a Clicker by the exit. You’ll find yourself on a quaint Chinatown street, and the first storefront on your left will be the Jasmine Bakery. Break the window and enter, and you should see the safe right behind the counter.

The combination for the safe can be found in an adjacent storefront, upstairs and across the street itself. A note inside will reveal the correct code to get in: 68-96-89.

Seattle Day 1: The Coast // Boat

In this chapter, you’ll pass through a huge ferry stuck on a piece of coastline. The boat is crawling with various types of infected, but there’s a safe located high on the ship, which will be hinted at when you find a note on a cot with the code itself.

The safe can be found on a higher level, which will be easier to deal with if you clear out the infected first. Note that there is a door leading to the bridge of the ship, and you should make sure to ignore this door until you’ve found the safe itself. The code is 90-77-01.

Seattle Day 2: The Shortcut // Apartments

After the start of this chapter, you’ll run into some dangerous rapids. Hopping over the rubble, you’ll be able to enter an apartment building and climb to the top, then jump over onto a piece of wrecked highway. From here you can jump onto a patio and enter an apartment filled with miniatures reminiscent of Warhammer 40K.

There are some useful supplies here, as well as a safe in a room behind a white door. A note will reveal that the safe code is the combination of two different apartment numbers, which you can clarify by heading out into the hallway outside. The safe code is 30-23-04.

Seattle Day 2: The Descent // Gym

The Last of Us Part II Safes Guide Gym

After a harrowing journey over the skybridge, you and Lev will have made it to a gym facility at the top of the building, in the swimming pool area. Through the double doors and past the gym, there will be a supply closet next to the stairway entrance, where you’ll find the last locked safe of the game.

Outside the door is a pathway to a coffee shop, where a note will reveal that the safe code is identical to the Wi-Fi password. You can find this number posted on the wall of the gym next to the weight racks: 12-18-79.

More: The Last Of Us Part 2 Director Responds To Self-Insert Character Rumor

The Last of Us Part II is out now on PlayStation 4.