There are 29 Electroculus collectibles to find on Kannazuka Island in Genshin Impact. The Electroculus collectibles are items that can be used to increase the level of the Statue of Seven in the Inazuma region. There are a total of 181 Electroculus collectibles around Inazuma, and finding all of them will allow players to max out the statue's level and claim various rewards.

In order to access Inazuma in Genshin Impact, players will need to be at least level 30 in their Adventure Rank. Players will also need to complete the Archon quest, "The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia," which introduces players to some of the islands in Inazuma. Once those steps are completed, players can access Kannazuka Island and track down the region's 29 Electroculus collectibles.

Related: How Genshin Impact’s Kujou Sara Compares To Other Electro Users

Players can use the Electroculus collectibles they obtain to level up the Statue of the Seven in Inazuma. Players will receive Primogems, Electro Sigils, Inazuma Shrine of Depths keys, experience, and several Memory of Violet Flash items. Some of the Electroculi require the Statue of the Seven to reach a higher level in order for players to receive Electro Sigils in Genshin Impact. The sigils can be offered to the Sacred Sakura which increases the level and allows players to get past barriers.

Finding Electroculus Collectibles on Kannazuka in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact Kannazuka Island Electroculus Locations Electroculus on House

After gaining access to Inazuma in Genshin Impact, players can begin finding the Electroculus collectibles. While players are searching for the Electroculus collectibles on Kannazuka Island, they will come across a few that require the "Tatara Tales" quest to be completed. Other Electroculi may require an Electrogranum to get past Thunder Barriers or reach higher places.

Kannazuka Island Electroculus Locations

  • On the northernmost island, players can go toward the northern edge to find an Electrogranum with a Thunder Barrier nearby, and the Electroculus is past the barrier.
  • North of Kujou Encampment, players can find an Electroculus in the watchtower.
  • Southeast of Kujou Encampment at the eastern edge of the smaller island, there's an Electroculus that requires players to solve a puzzle using an Electro character in Genshin Impact.
  • South of the previous Electroculus, there's a small cluster of tiny islands, and there's another Electroculus at the top of the shipwreck in that location.
  • After solving the Relay Stone puzzle south of Kujou Encampment, players can claim another Electroculus.
  • On the medium island west of the previous Electroculus, there's one inside a small shack next to a larger building.
  • There's an Electroculus in the water between the medium island where the previous one was and the peninsula jutting out west of that island.
  • At the western edge of the peninsula, there's an Electroculus on top of a house.
  • Northwest of the previous one, there's an Electroculus that requires players to solve combat, Electro, and arrow puzzles.
  • At Nazuchi Beach, there's a large ship with an Electroculus at the top.
  • Southeast of the previous Electroculus, players can find one at the top of a small shipwreck.
  • Next, players can head further south to find an Electroculus between two rocks.
  • On the large island southeast of Nazuchi Beach, there's an Electroculus near the shrine, but players will need to do the "Tatara Tales" quest to reach this area.
  • While completing the aforementioned Inazuma quest in Genshin Impact, players can find an Electroculus in the tower.
  • Another Electroculus found during "Tatara Tales" is inside a small cave east of the previous Electroculus.
Genshin Impact What An Electroculus Is (& Where To Look For It)
  • South of the previous collectible, there's an Electroculus at the top of a cave entrance.
  • Next, players can continue south across the bridge and glide west toward the sea, then turn back to find the Electroculus on a ledge.
  • From the cliff's edge, players should keep going south along the cliff to find an Electroculus in a tree below the edge.
  • North of the previous Electroculus, players can find another at the top of a cave that will be visited during the "Tatara Tales" quest.
  • Near the buildings in Tatarasuna, there's an Electroculus near the edge of the cliffs.
  • From the cliffs, players can glide to the next Electroculus above the buildings in Tatarasuna.
  • Players can find another Electroculus inside the taller building in Genshin Impact's Tatarasuna.
  • At the entrance of Tatarsuna, there's an Electroculus in a small cave.
  • After completing "Tartara Tales," players will get the Tartara Arsenal Gate keys, then they can find an Electroculus by opening the gate.
  • In the southwest portion of the island, there's an Electro tree, and the Electroculus is on top of it.
  • East of the previous Electroculus, there's another one inside a cave.
  • Directly south of Tatarsuna, there's an Electroculus on a ledge near a cave entrance.
  • East of the previous Electroculus, there's another on top of the large rock above a house.
  • Next, players can go south and find an Electroculus at the Shakkei Pavilion Domain.

Each of the 29 Electroculus collectibles on Kannazuka presents a unique challenge. Many of them are tied to the "Tatara Tales" quest, so players should complete that mission as early as possible in order to quickly obtain every Electroculus. Genshin Impact's Inazuma has a total of 181 Electroculus collectibles scattered across six diverse regions, including Kannazuka.

Next: Every Genshin Impact Electro Character, Ranked Worst To Best

Genshin Impact is available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Android, iOS, and PC.