Jared Leto’s Joker is returning in Zack Snyder’s Justice League, and a new video has revealed the character’s full costume for the Knightmare sequence. The post-apocalyptic alternate future is one of the main new features of the Snyder Cut, having been cut down significantly in the theatrical version released in 2017. Leto’s Joker was added to the Knightmare in the Snyder Cut reshoots, reprising his role from Suicide Squad and finally coming face-to-face with Ben Affleck’s Batman.

While most of the new footage in Zack Snyder’s Justice League was shot during the original film’s production and subsequently cut by Warner Bros. and Joss Whedon, a few reshoots were conducted after the director’s cut was confirmed in 2020. Jared Leto’s Joker, who was not previously planned to appear in Snyder’s original Justice League vision, is one of the main additions to come from those reshoots. The director has said that it was important to him that Leto and Affleck had a proper confrontation, given that both have largely left the DCEU spotlight since.

Related: Every Change Snyder's Justice League Cut Has Made To Jared Leto's Joker

Fans can now get a full look at the Joker’s Knightmare outfit. Video shared by AListProductions on YouTube shows the Clown Prince of Crime’s post-apocalypse outfit, which is on display with other items from the film at an exhibit in Dallas, Texas. The costume’s base layer looks to be the same white hospital gown shown in previous promo images, but the Knightmare version has been upgraded with combat boots and a police vest, which has numerous badges strapped to it like trophies.

It’s unclear exactly how substantial Leto’s Justice League appearance will be, but it’s been a huge part of the Snyder Cut’s advertising campaign. Like the original Justice League, Suicide Squad was subject to some significant edits before it hit theaters, and Leto’s role was trimmed down notably as a result. His return seems appropriate, given that Zack Snyder’s Justice League is in many ways a tribute to what many fans hoped the DCEU would be when it began with Man of Steel.

Though there are no plans for any further Snyder-led DC content after the rerelease of Justice League, some loyalists are still holding out hope. Snyder himself has revealed that his planned Justice League 2 would have been set primarily in the Knightmare future, though those plans were scrapped years ago. The director has always drawn attention for his stark, dark visual stylings, and those are on full display in what’s been shown of the new Knightmare. Zack Snyder’s Justice League releases on HBO Max on March 18.

Next: Why Jared Leto's Joker Is Zack Snyder's Perfect Character

Source: AListProductions

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