WARNING: This article contains SPOILERS for Justice League Odyssey #6

Ever since Darkseid called Cyborg, Azrael and Starfire to the Ghost Sector in Justice League Odyssey #1, the miniseries by Dan Abnett, Carmine di Giandomenico, Ivan Plascencia and Andworld Designs has been building to the multiverse-shifting revelation of the latest issue. It's a story whose seeds were originally planted in last year's Dark Nights: Metal event, when the Justice League broke open the Source Wall and sent various dimensions into unintended chaos.

After a series of tricks and manipulations by Darkseid in order to collect the relics needed for his master plan, Cyborg finally realized the New God was rebuilding Apokolips. However, a final twist was still in store, and Justice League Odyssey #6 has made it clear that Darkseid is actually the one standing in the way of a cosmic-level apocalypse that could destroy all life. Thanks to Other Box - the Mother Box found in the Ghost Sector - he foresaw a darkness spreading to "the end of all things," engulfing New Genesis and Apokolips in flames, eliminating all the New Gods save for him alone.

Related: Scrapped Apokolips Designs From Justice League

But first Darkseid must face off against the Eskaton, legendary creatures he once thought were myth who are said to feed on anti-life and especially enjoy feasting on dying New Gods. An ancient prophecy said they would come once the Fourth World was dying, and it seems that the breaking of the Source Wall may have led to just that, The issue ends just as Darkseid seems to be falling to his doom, but perhaps the Justice League will be able to save him before it's too late? Granted, they don't yet know they have a reason to.

Darkseid in Justice League Odyssey

Jessica Cruz was in the middle of leading the other three League members-turned-pseudo-gods on a quest to stop Darkseid, but the ruins of Kordiand'r's beloved planet Taraman presented them with both a more immediate enemy and an alternate explanation for his actions. Though Blackfire doesn't believe Darkseid after he turned back on his word, she did let the others know that he wasn't responsible for the world's devastation and that he claims he has a higher purpose for building the new war world of Sepulkore. Before deciding to kill Koriand'r and her friends to thwart her enemy, that is.

If the eclectic crew can manage to make it out of Blackfire's grasp, it'll be up to them to either save Darkseid in order to better understand his vision, or else to heed his warning and stop the Eskaton if he's already fallen. It's a strange new experience for the Justice League and Darkseid to find themselves on the same team, but any creature who can "pick bare the bones of the New Gods" is a high-level threat that must be stopped at all costs, especially if there aren't any more of said gods around to act as a buffer. It's only a matter of time before they broaden their horizons and go after any anti-life they can get their hands on, and anti-life is something pretty easily found in a place called the Ghost Sector.

Upcoming solicits indicate that not only the fate of the Ghost Sector hangs in the balance, but all of life itself. It's certainly a sign that Darkseid was telling the truth, even if his intentions were not as pure as he claims. Whatever methods the Justice League Odyssey crew must use to take down the Eskaton, the guilt of their choices leading all the way back to Dark Nights: Metal are sure to haunt both them and the overall world of DC Comics for a long time to come.

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