Warning! Contains spoilers for the Jujutsu Kaisen Manga!!!


  • Domain Expansions are powerful cursed techniques in Jujutsu Kaisen, indicating the strength of a sorcerer.
  • Yuki's Domain Expansion controls mass and could rival special-grade sorcerers like Gojo and Geto.
  • Hakari's Idle Death Gamble, Mahito's Domain expansion, and Sukuna's Malevolent Shrine rank among the strongest.

In the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, the most powerful techniques are known as Domain Expansions. Few sorcerers and curses can actually use this ability, but those who can are some of the strongest in the series. This makes measuring the relative power level of these Domain Expansions a good indicator for the strength of the sorcerers themselves.

Domain Expansions are essentially an extension of the user's cursed technique throughout a space generally enclosed by a barrier. By suffusing the space contained in the barrier with their innate domain, the wielder of the Domain Expansion can use their technique anywhere in that region usually resulting in attacks that are guaranteed to hit their targets. However, some Domain Expansions can also grant their users other, more specific benefits. Here are all the Domain Expansions shown in the Jujutsu Kaisen anime and manga so far ranked from least to most powerful.

14 Yuki's Domain Expansion Was Never Shown

First mentioned in chapter #206

Although she never had a chance to show it off in the series, Yuki Tsukumo's Domain Expansion was threatening enough to make Kenjaku wary. Yuki was able to control Mass, allowing her to land punishing blows and even create a black hole. This granted her the status of a special-grade sorcerer alongside the likes of Gojo and Geto.

Her domain expansion likely would have matched up to this power designation, perhaps letting her get a guaranteed attack on her enemies with the full force of a black hole behind it. Unfortunately, Yuki was defeated by Kenjaku without ever having the chance to show off the true strength of her unnamed domain. Hence, fans will never know how strong Yuki's Domain Expansion was, but it still deserves mention when talking about Jujutsu Kaisen's strongest Domain Expansions.

13 Dagon's "Horizon Of The Captivating Skandha" Takes the Form of a Scenic Shore

First appears in chapter #16 and episode #7

Dagon didn't have a lot of screen time during the first season of Jujutsu Kaisen. He is an unregistered special-grade cursed spirit under Mahito who had a similar appearance to an octopus. Under the white cloth that he usually covers himself with, Dagon has muscular arms and a caterpillar-like body. His Domain Expansion is called the Horizon of the Captivating Skandha. Initially, his Domain Expansion was used by his allies like Mahito, Jogo, and Hanami for refuge and rest. When activated, his domain expansion takes the form of a relaxing and calm beach with tranquil waters.

After evolving into a Cursed Spirit, Dagon's domain was then used against the Jujutsu sorcerers Maki Zenin, Kento Nanami, and Naobito Zenin. Despite having a calm domain, Dagon can create endless shikigamis in the Horizon of the Captivating Skandha that can automatically hit his enemies. Though Dagon's Horizon ranks low among Jujutsu Kaisen's strongest Domain Expansions, it's still a serious force to be reckoned with.

12 Yorozu's "Threefold Affliction" is an Extension of Her Construction Technique

First appears in chapter #219

Yorozu is a very powerful curse user who unfortunately didn't get much time before Sukuna killed her. However, in the few chapters she appeared, Yorozu demonstrated her cursed technique quite well. Her abilities focused on constructing objects like armor and weapons based around insects.

Her Domain Expansion, Threefold Affliction, is an extension of her Cursed Technique, guaranteeing that her constructed attacks hit her opponents once they are inside it. While Yorozu is now gone, she did give a gift to Sukuna before she died, which was later revealed to be a weapon called Supreme Martial Solution, which Sukuna uses to take on his fully incarnated, Heian-era form. The name of Yorozu's Domain also might be a reference to her obsessive love towards Sukuna, hinting at how lovesickness can also be a form of severe affliction.

Yorozu's vessel in the present timeline is Megumi's sister Tsumiki Fushiguro.

11 Hiromi Higuruma's "Deadly Sentencing" Brings Ultimate Justice

First appears in chapter #164

Hiromi Higuruma is a defense attorney who decided to participate in the deadly Culling Game and even become one of the top players. Before becoming a jujutsu sorcerer, Higuruma was a noble lawyer who helped those who were wrongly accused, even if their cases were impossibly difficult to defend. Despite being naturally proficient in Jujutsu sorcery, Higuruma's domain expansion wasn't activated through rigorous training. He received his domain expansion when his cursed technique was activated thanks to Kenjaku.

Deadly Sentencing takes shape as a small courtroom, and those caught in it must prove to the judge that they are not guilty of the crimes ascribed to them. The punishment is either death or removal of cursed technique, and it does not matter how powerful his target is, which makes it truly terrifying. Hiromi Higuruma is proof that no Domain Expansion should be underestimated in Jujustu Kaisen.

10 Naoya Zenin’s "Time Cell Moon Palace" Takes the Projection Technique to a New Level

First appears in chapter #198

After being killed by Maki during her massacre of the Zenin clan, Naoya came back as a cursed spirit in the Culling game, intent on exacting his revenge. The sorcerer's new form gave him much stronger abilities than he previously had access to, making him fast enough even to outspeed Maki.

This also granted him a powerful new Domain Expansion, Time Cell Moon Palace, which forced everyone inside it to move at 24 frames per second or else get brutally attacked. The domain is an extension of the Projection Sorcery technique passed down in the Zenin Clan and the domain expansion makes its target even more precise, allowing the user to even target individual cells. While Maki was able to break through the technique given her heavenly restriction, it still is one of the strongest Domain Expansions in Jujutsu Kaisen.

9 Smallpox Deity's "Graveyard Domain" Can Infect and Kill the Strongest Sorcerers

First appears in chapter #101 and episode #36

Smallpox Deity is a cursed spirit summoned by Kenjaku to fight the Jujutsu sorcerer Mei Mei and her brother Ui Ui. It has a terrifying appearance due to its mouth which has two large tusks and two muscular arms that are filled to the brim with pox bumps. The Smallpox Deity is incredibly powerful as it was used by Kenjaku to gauge Mei Mei's power and see if she's worthy of facing him.

The Small Pox Deity's Domain Expansion Graveyard Domain traps an opponent inside and guarantees an automatic hit for the user. This Domain Expansion coupled with the Deity's Gravestone Technique can spell death for even the strongest Jujutsu sorcerers. Being inside the Domain and trapped by the Gravestone technique can fulfill the conditions of the Smallpox Deity's powers and infect the victim with smallpox, leading to their death.

8 Megumi Fushiguro’s "Chimera Shadow Garden" is Incomplete but Powerful

First appears in chapter #58 and episode #23

Being a 2nd-grade sorcerer, it's impressive that Megumi was able to conjure his own Domain Expansion. Though his Chimera Shadow Garden was still incomplete and had its flaws, with the right mindset it can easily exorcise a special grade. Additionally, Megumi is a descendant of Jujutsu Kaisen's Zenin clan, one of the 3 major sorcerer families and he possesses the sacred Ten Shadows Technique, which can only be inherited and allows him to summon ten different shikigami. Megumi is also able to store sacred weapons in his shadows, which proves invaluable in his fights.

Megumi likely possesses more potential than any other character outside of Jujutsu Kaisen's hero, Yuji Itadori. In the series “Cursed Womb” arcs, he is praised for his innate abilities by both Sukuna who is the greatest cursed spirit, and Gojo who is the strongest jujutsu sorcerer. All of this adds up to Megumi's Domain Expansion having some of the greatest potential in the entire series.

Megumi also uses Chimera Shadow Garden against Reggie during the Culling Games. Even though Sukuna has taken over Megumi's body, he has yet to cast Chimera Shadow Garden.

7 Jogo’s "Coffin of the Iron Curtain" Is Just as Fiery as Him

First appears in chapter #15 and episode #7

Jogo’s Domain Expansion is an extremely powerful technique that summons a gigantic volcano incinerating any average target in an instant. As the curse representing humanity's fear of volcanoes and fire-related disasters, Jogo's fiery domain accurately represents his destructive nature. Most notably, Jogo is also a special-grade spirit, adding credibility to the strength of his domain and his cursed technique. Jogo is also one of the more intelligent cursed spirits in the series.

However, even though Jogo is a special-grade cursed spirit, his Domain Expansion has little effect on Yuji and Gojo, leading to it being quickly overwhelmed. Jogo is eager and impatient to fight Gojo, which ultimately leads to his defeat. Still, this makes him the only cursed spirit thus far to have faced Gojo directly alone and survived. Unfortunately, Jogo does not fare so well when he encounters Sukuna at Shibuya. Ironically, Jogo is burned to death by Sukuna's unnamed fire technique which seems to burn hotter than Jogo's flames.

6 Yuta's "Authentic Mutual Love" Holds Every Cursed Technique He's Copied

First appears in chapter #249

Yuta's domain expansion in Jujutsu kaisen

Yuta's Domain Expansion is the latest addition to Jujutsu Kaisen's strongest Domain Expansions. Much like Okkotsu's versatile Cursed Technique, his domain which is called Authentic Mutual Love is arguably just as powerful and accurately represents Yuta's ranking as a special-grade sorcerer. Yuta's Domain appears as a landscape full of katanas and wooden crosses pierced with even more katanas. Each katana houses a Cursed Technique that Yuta has copied and allows him to use the particular technique when he grabs hold of the specific sword.

Most importantly, Yuta can imbue the standard sure-hit effect of his domain to every one of these techniques. Yuta's domain was powerful enough to prevent Sukuna from opening his own domain or from releasing the world-cutting slash and managed to distract him enough for Maki to successfully sneak up behind Sukuna.

The appearance of Yuta's Domain hints it could be an homage to the Fate series by TYPE-MOON as it bears a strong resemblance to Unlimited Blade Works.

5 Hakari’s "Idle Death Gamble" is a Playful Game with Big Rewards

First appears in chapter #182

Hakari's Idle Death Gamble may be the most confusing Domain Expansion in Jujutsu Kaisen but it is also one of the most powerful. Idle Death Gamble takes the form of a giant Pachinko machine that gives Hakari different bonuses and attacks based on what he spins. Getting a jackpot with this technique grants Hakari a brief period of time when he has access to nigh-infinite Cursed Energy, which essentially makes him invincible. After that period ends he can then initiate Idle Death Gamble again and start the whole process over.

This ability to infinitely recur its technique is what makes Idle Death Gamble one of Jujutsu Kaisen's strongest Domain Expansions. More importantly, Hakari is near-invincible during the brief period after he hits the jackpot with any injuries being healed instantly, no matter how severe they may be.

4 Mahito’s "Self-Embodiment of Perfection" is Grotesque and Deadly

First appears in chapter #29 and episode #13

In Mahito’s fight against Yuji and Nanami, fans got to witness his growth in real-time, culminating with the release of his Domain Expansion. Mahito is already more dangerous than the average special-grade cursed spirit as his touch can alter his target’s soul. Mahito ranks high among Jujutsu Kaisen's strongest Domain Expansions in spite of being a newer and more immature cursed spirit.

Even before his Domain Expansion, Mahito’s natural ability is a one-hit knockout, but at least it required him to touch his targets. Self-Embodiment of Perfection allows him to transfigure the souls of the targets within his domain without requiring physical contact, which means instant death for whoever is caught in the technique.

3 Kenjaku’s Womb Profusion is a Nightmare Come to Life

First appears in chapter #206

Kenjaku hasn't fully shown the power of his Domain Expansion Womb Profusion, but the little he has revealed has already made it one of Jujutsu Kaisen's scariest Domain Expansions. Womb Profusion seems to not require a barrier, just like Sukuna's Malevolent Shrine and the sure hits it can deal to those within its range hit with all the force of Kenjaku's most powerful curse Uzumaki.

Kenjaku reveals his Domain Expansion for the first time against Yuki during their battle at the Star Corridor. His domain, much like Sukuna's has no clear boundary and takes the form of a grotesque totem-like pillar made from cursed spirit faces. Kenjaku's Domain was powerful enough to nearly kill Yuki Tsukumo and even Tengen was unable to dismantle the domain despite his mastery of barrier techniques. While it has only been used briefly in the series so far, sadly, Kenjaku's defeat at Yuta and Takaba's hands likely means fans will not get to see the technique again.

2 Sukuna’s "Malevolent Shrine" is the Zenith of Jujutsu Sorcery

First appears in chapter #8 and episode #4

As the King of all Curses, Sukuna enters Jujutsu Kaisen without competitors. In fact, other cursed spirits’ strengths are perceived in terms of numbers of Sukuna’s fingers which only demonstrates his overwhelming power. As the story keeps proving, Sukuna simply has superior abilities and power over all other curses and most sorcerers.

Sukuna was originally a human sorcerer who was so powerful that he was thought to be a demon. All of the sorcerers of the time had to combine their strength in order to defeat him, but Sukuna's power was so resistant that he was reborn as a cursed spirit and his body was too durable to be destroyed, instead turning into cursed tools. Mahito and Jogo spend the first season of Jujutsu Kaisen plotting to get on Sukuna’s good side and return all of his fingers.

Sukuna's domain takes the form of a Buddhist shrine adorned with horns and skulls with giant human-like mouths forming the entrances and is surrounded by dark waters. In the first cursed womb battle, Sukuna reveals his Domain Expansion and instantly defeats the special grade cursed spirit that overwhelmed Yuji and Megumi. Since then, Sukuna has also used his domain against Mahoraga and Gojo and was able to stand up to Gojo's Unlimited Void in a Domain clash. The effect is as direct and brutal as Sukuna himself: an infinite barrage of unavoidable slashes.

What is unique about Sukuna's Domain is that it has no clear boundary and is one of the few Domain Expansions in the series without a boundary.

1 Satoru Gojo's "Unlimited Void" Brings Intangible Concepts into Reality

First appears in chapter #15 and episode #7

Gojo is not only a likable character due to his charm and looks — but he's also extremely powerful. He is introduced in the series as “the strongest” and later confidently boasts that defeating a fully revived Sukuna would be “a little draining.” Throughout the first season of Jujutsu Kaisen, every intelligent cursed spirit is advised to avoid Gojo and there's good reason for that.

Like Megumi, Gojo possesses several inherited techniques such as Six Eyes, which allows his cursed energy usage to be near-infinite, and Limitless, which gives him control over space. In addition to these innate abilities, Gojo was also born with high intellect and superior strength, speed, and reflexes. When caught in Unlimited Void, a target will be able to see and feel everything while not being able to see or feel anything at the same time. All the actions of their lives are forced upon them infinitely, resulting in slow and inevitable death. Gojo and anyone he's touching are immune to the effect.

Part of Jujutsu Kaisen's appeal is the complex nature of its power system. The Domain Expansion is a complicated technique that makes any fight that much more interesting. While not every character has access to one, those that do rank among Jujutsu Kaisen's strongest characters. Jujutsu Kaisen's strongest Domain Expansions truly do represent the peak of power.

Jujutsu Kaisen is available from MANGA Plus and Viz Media.

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Jujutsu Kaisen

Jujutsu Kaisen is a supernatural action anime that follows high school student Yuuji Itadori as he battles against magical curses. After Yuji selflessly saves a classmate by taking a curse into his own body, he is discovered and trained by a powerful sorcerer named Satoru Gojo. Gojo, who also happens to be a faculty member at a high school, enrolls Yuji there to help him and other students prepare themselves against the supernatural forces that plague humanity.

Release Date
October 2, 2020
Streaming Service(s)
Sunghoo Park , Shōta Goshozono