Warning! Spoilers ahead for Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 170!

After the hyper-focused massacre and Yuji's deep depression that transpired during the Shibuya Incident, anything else was doomed to feel like filler in Jujutsu Kaisen. The last few arcs have been no exception. It was clear they were all building to something big, and that something ended being the Culling deathmatch. The fact that Pseudo-Geto would spearhead the entire bloody spectacle only hyped up the Culling further since he was the reason why Mahito escaped at the end of the Shibuya Incident, and Yuji has had a specially charged vendetta against the cursed spirit ever since he killed Junpei.

While being a deathmatch is obviously intriguing, the inherent problem with the seemingly brutal Culling was that it would involve newly created jujutsu sorcerers and non-sorcerers (i.e. weak opponents). Pseudo-Geto's main objective was always to weed out the weaker contenders, but would they be gone by the time Jujutsu Kaisen's heroes inevitably joined the fray? Yuji and Megumi do end up being late to the game, but as later chapters prove, there are still many weak jujutsu sorcerers left, and the majority of them are ridiculous, probably the oddest of them all appearing in chapter 170.

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As Yuji Itadori fights the Culling game's only interesting opponent, Megumi has been contending with a group of ragtag sorcerers led by Reggie Star. As the leader, readers hoped that Reggie would stand out from his group of lame misfits, but chapter 170 reveals that isn't the case. His appearance was already highly suspect from the beginning since he's covered in an odd array of paper. And now fans know that they were right to suspect him. The papers are receipts because he recreates contracts. Reggie's power essentially involves him slowly stripping for his opponents since he has to take a receipt from his paper costume and alter whatever was purchased into something that can help him in battle. For his first trick, he alters nights at a hotel with special oil treatment into a curse that rejuvenates him. The major turning point in the battle wasn't in Reggie's favor, either. It served more as a cliffhanger for those who are rooting for Reggie since it ends with Megumi creating a domain. The fact that Reggie exclaims, "He's a sorcerer at this level!?" further underscores just how much Reggie isn't a match for him.

The last few chapters have been even worse. Megumi Fushiguro recently fought against a guy named Iori Hazenoki who must remove parts of his body to use them as explosives. So, there's a guy who's literally tearing the teeth out of his mouth to throw them at Megumi. This could have been an interesting dynamic if Iori were scared or at least mentally tormented by the fact that he would have to tear off his body parts to win battles. But Iori is unsettlingly gleeful about the prospect and isn't even phased when he rips out one of his eyes. Another goon named Chizuru Hari is even killed in a manner of seconds. And what about Fumihiko Takaba who strikes a ridiculous pose seemingly every time he speaks?

The fact that all of these characters in the Culling game are overly absurd with equally as preposterous attacks and personalities just serves as further proof that this arc is nothing but filler. They are all key characteristics of anime arcs whose only purpose is to give the mangaka more time to write additional content since the show caught up with the original manga too quickly. The Culling game would be vastly more entertaining if Yuji and Megumi entered the fray after all of the weaker sorcerers had already been defeated or if Jujutsu Kaisen focused more on the fear of the weaker sorcerers who were inadvertently pulled into the game. It's not entertaining to see heroes beat up weak and absurd villains.

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