The time has come for Howard the Duck to claim the powers of the Juggernaut in Marvel's cosmic universe. The time of the Juggerduck is upon us. Seriously, it's really happening.

Marvel fans who enjoyed seeing Thanos alone at the end of universe in his own comic series are already used to the outlandish (Silver Surfer becoming Thor is a prime example). But it was the Cosmic Ghost Rider who bore the strongest solo potential, winning himself a comic book of his very own. A comic that, according to the artwork released so far, will put a ridiculous twist on several of Marvel's space-based characters.

None more incredible than the Juggerduck: the super-powered titan Marvel's Universe didn't know it needed.

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Not until writer Donny Cates and cover artist Geoff Shaw brought him into existence on the cover of Cosmic Ghost Rider #3 as one of the apparent "Future Guardians of the Galaxy." Soon after, Cates took to social media to confirm that the duck bill and white, feathery arms of the massive Juggernaut do, indeed, belong to the duck formerly named Howard.

Take a look at the cover art in question.

Exactly what transpires to make this strange cosmic future possible, or alternate reality, or divergent timeline isn't clear just yet. Whatever that is, it sounds like the Cosmic Ghost Rider deems it the "obvious" move needed to save the universe for everyone in it. But that is especially hard to predict, considering that the fiery avenger is the result of Frank Castle dying, making a deal with the devil, spending millennia alone on Earth, and eventually serving first Galactus, then Thanos as the last living being in the universe (aside from the immortal Hulk).

According to Cates, there's no trickery or playful misdirection at work: this story sees Howard claim the true Crimson Gem of Cyttorak. As some casual fans of the X-Men universe may think that Juggernaut's powers are a mutation, it will be news to hear his size and strength are gifts of that very same gem. Apparently, gifts that can also transform a humanoid alien duck into the same basic form. Awarding the future team of Guardians a heavyweight hitter far more powerful than Drax, Groot, or any other alien to have filled their ranks.

For now the Cosmic Ghost Rider series is confined to a five-issue run. But if the Juggerduck is the first sign of just how outlandish Cates is willing to get (not to mention playfully bringing Star Trek aliens into Marvel's universe), we wouldn't expect the story to conclude for good. The final verdict will have to wait for the actual series to be released, but the promise of fun - fully encouraged by Marvel Comics - may be the difference maker.

And hey, with the Guardians of the current Marvel universe stepping aside to let the new Asgardians of the Galaxy team take the spotlight, would a future version of the team be any harder to imagine? Whatever the odds, it seems unwise to bet against the Juggerduck.

Cosmic Ghost Rider #1 will be available on July 4th from Marvel Comics.

MORE: How Frank Castle Became The Cosmic Ghost Rider

Source: Donny Cates