Warning: SPOILERS for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 9 - The JOJOLands chapter #2The second chapter of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 9 - the JOJOLands confirms that Hiroiko Araki's generational tale's new protagonist, Jodio Joestar, is a lot darker than his predecessors. After being introduced as a morally ambiguous character, Jodio shows outright criminal behavior, proving that the latest JoJo could be easily classified as a villain.

In chapter #2 of The JOJOLands, readers get another glimpse at Jodio's daily life, before the story moves on to the first real plot line, the theft of a precious jewel from Rohan Kishibe, who makes a surprising debut in JoJo's post-Stone Ocean timeline. Before that, however, Jodio is shown being a full-fledged drug dealer, selling illicit substances to what is supposedly a college student, but turns out to be an undercover DEA officer instead. After being caught, Jodio uses the powers of his Stand to easily get out of trouble, while also hurting and humiliating the police and DEA officers.

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Jodio Joestar Is An Actual Criminal And A Drug Dealer

Jodio Joestar gets arrested in JOJOLands

In the first chapter of the series, Jodio was introduced as a morally ambiguous character. He is a "gofer", a courier for criminals, and works for his school principal, who manages a series of illicit activities. However, this unusual setup for a JoJo protagonist was accompanied by an explanation of how Jodio and his brother Dragona want to do everything to protect their single mother, Barbara Ann, and give her the best life possible. Like the other JoJos, Jodio also has an established moral system, which, while ambiguous, sets him aside from a regular criminal.

However, the second chapter of The JOJOLands almost wants to dispel the illusion that Jodio is still your classic JoJo hero, just a little rougher. While in the first chapter Jodio was shown selling drugs in his school, it was to one of the other main characters of the story. Here, instead, he sells to a complete stranger, like any other drug dealer. After he gets caught, the story shows how Jodio's Stand powers essentially put him above the law. In a following flashback, Jodio remembers how a psychological test he was forced to take at school resulted in an antisocial personality disorder diagnosis. Even the way he is drawn in certain panels by Araki is more akin to how a villain would look, rather than a hero.

Its Unusual Protagonist Makes The JOJOLands Refreshing And Original

Jodio Joestar as a villain in JOJOLands

Overall, the new approach taken by Araki feels incredibly refreshing. After eight generations of JoJos, it was time for a real change. Golden Wind's protagonist, Giorno Giovanna, was also a criminal but only by name. He shared the same sense of justice and unwavering virtue as all other JoJos. Jodio, instead, already looks irredeemable, self-centered, and with no sense of guilt or remorse. Perhaps things will change later in the series, and a new, heroic side of Jodio Joestar will emerge, but for now, the protagonist of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 9 - The JOJOLands looks like a full-fledged villain.

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