Screen Rant

  • Jessica Jones season 3 introduced Erik Gelden... 1 / 8

  • An empath with the ability to sense the evil in others. 2 / 8

  • The character is a Z-list villain from the comics, where he's called Mind-Wave... 3 / 8

  • But in the Marvel Netflix world, he becomes an admittedly flaky ally for Jessica. 4 / 8

  • Erik doesn't get any origin stories; his powers developed spontaneously during puberty... 5 / 8

  • Which fits perfectly with the pattern for mutants. 6 / 8

  • That seems to imply that mutants already exist in the MCU, they're just rare and unnoticed... 7 / 8

    X-Men Xavier Comic Vertical
  • Meaning Marvel Television may have helped prepare the way for the X-Men. 8 / 8

    Wolverine X-Men Vertical