Rocket Arena has a diverse roster of characters each with their own unique way of dominating the battle field. Izell, one of the more aggressive characters truly shines while pursuing fleeing combatants by making it difficult for them to get away and closing the distance.

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Izell is a close-combat specialist from the Gemstone Jungle. While it isn't specified, her attire is highly reminiscent of Aztec or Mayan culture with a rocket spear as her primary weapon. Vulnerable opponents are easy prey for her spear as well putting pressure on the opposing team forcing them to focus her a lot of time. Without a reliable team, players might find themselves under continuous assault by the entire opposing team as Izell can pose quite a threat once the player settles into a groove.

Izell's Abilities in Rocket Arena

As mentioned before, close-clombat is where Izell truly shines but that doesn't mean it's quite so easy. Actually hitting opponents with her abilities is the most important part and after playing 1 or 2 matches in Rocket Arena, players will realize shooting around randomly hoping for something to land just isn't going to cut it.

Spear Rockets

Izell's rocket spear is her main weapon and doesn't have that great of a range. While it isn't impossible to land a hit on someone from across the map, unless the opponent is continuously moving in one direction, hitting them can be a very difficult. The speed is perfect against opponents directly in front of her or some mid-range distance away. Rockets have a slight arc to them and fire a little closer to lower half of the aiming reticle. Her green rockets leave a vivid stream as the pass  along the map and pack a pretty good punch. 4 or 5 shots should leave any opponent Mega Blast ready. Players have to lead their shots as well as play a little psychological warfare and get the opposing players to move around favorable way. Predict their movements to fully take advantage of the power of her rockets.

Bola Snare

The Bola Snare is extremely useful as it as a dual function. Opponents snared by them are pulled back toward Izell and have a tracker placed on them for a short amount of time. The tracker causes her next rocket to home in and curve from any direction it's fired from. If the ensnared player happens to move enough though, they can dodge it so it isn't a sure fire hit. But the rocket does increase in speed compared to firing it normally. Aim well, and use it to prevent characters from fleeing. If players wait to long, (over 3-4 seconds) the homing icon will disappear canceling out the homing effect.

Jaaqua Charge

Bread and butter. Izell's Jaaqua charge is powerful but a double edged sword. Using it can leave players incredibly vulneralbe. The charge has a small aiming window that allows players to fly a great distance almost instantly to attack a rival rocketeer for a lot of damage. Perfect for finishing off pesky players that may dodge the last rocket needed to eliminate them while in Mega Blast vulnerability. Just line up the reticle and rush into them at lightning speed. This move is also perfect getting away from the edge of the map. When stunned and at the mercy of someones impeccable aim near the boundaries of the map, an instant rush like the Jaaqua charge can quickly get players out of danger and into a safe place. When used incorrectly, players can be left out in the open prey to whomever decides to unleash a barrage of attacks where escaping can be incredible difficult.

Tips and Strategies for Using Izell

Rocket Arena has a few different game types that allow different characters to succeed more so than others. It doesn't mean that anyone is particularly useless in any way but some might not be able to use their abilities to their fullest potential.

Rocket Ball

Due to Izell's speed, Rocketball might as well be her playground. Players loose the ability to use their special when holding the ball but it does not mean they are completely defenseless. Using the Jaaqua charge, players can easily nab the ball and put some distance away from the other players in order to score. Her spear rockets do enough damage to ward of any pursuing players providing the entire opposing team isn't attacking all at once. Having good back up is just as important or Izell can be easily over whelmed. In this case, throwing the ball a distance away and then Jaaqua charging toward it works more times than it seems. The Bola snare is excellent at deterring opponents from making it too close with the ball, so be aggressive and take them out quickly.


Damaging opponents while they are close and going in for the charge once they get away is good method to keep on the pressure. Opposing players might expect this so be careful of any traps they might lay out and expect to make a direct hit with. Quickly isolate opponents, push them toward the edge and knock them out with a Jaaqua charge as a finisher. Izell may be focused by the entire opposite team due to her agility and balanced weapon so having good back up is important. Landing her abilities and Rockets are very important as she has one of the lowest magazine sizes in the game and her special can leave her wide open.

Treasure Hunter

Like Rocket ball, holding an objective item disables the special move, preventing it from being used until the player dies or let's go of the item. Players can charge to the chest or directly in front of it to put some distance between Izell and attacking players. Her spear rocket is strong enough to ward of players trying to take her out as they get too close. During the coin collection phase, charging around the map is fine, but aim it against walks and objects to prevent being stuck in the air for too long. Attacking opponents whom are trying to collect may force to them to back off as trying to phase Izell up-close solo can go south really quickly.

Mega Rocket

Bolo snares can grab opponenets and pull them out of the capture zone. Charge them, and blast them with a few rockets to make them vulnerable to Mega Blast, while using Izell's agility to quickly get into the zone and play some mean defense. Charging from zone to zone puts here their pretty quickly and will cause opposing players to hesitate in moving in as they can be weakened by her very quickly only for her teammates to sweep in and finish the job.

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Rocket Arena is available on Xbox, Ps4, and PC.