She's only onscreen for a minute, but IT Chapter Two reveals that Eddie Kaspbarak went on to marry a woman exactly like his mother, literally. Of the Losers' Club members, Eddie is often one of the least interested in embarking on dangerous adventures. That makes sense, as his mother's constant fussing has led to him becoming a hypochondriac, and forming a false dependence on an inhaler for his actually nonexistent asthma. As Eddie eventually learns from creepy Derry pharmacist Mr. Keene, his asthma medicine is just a placebo, which he hilariously misstates later as "gazebos."

Eddie being a worrisome momma's boy is a central part of his character in all versions of IT, going back to Stephen King's original book. It's Eddie's mother that's instilled in him a fear of basically everything, forcing him to live his life constantly cautious of mostly unlikely traumas or diseases. That is until facing down Pennywise with his friends proves to Eddie that there are much worse things worthy of being afraid of.

Related: IT Chapter Two's Biggest Problem Is Its Inconsistent Tone

In IT Chapter Two, Eddie briefly speaks to his wife Myra on the phone. While she's not onscreen long, observant fans might've noticed that she looked a bit familiar. Well, there's a good reason for that.

IT Chapter Two: Eddie's Wife & Mom Are Played by the Same Actress

Eddie's wife Myra is played in IT Chapter Two by actress Molly Atkinson, who also played Eddie's mom Sonia in the first IT. She also plays Sonia again during an IT-induced hallucination involving Eddie's mom being held captive in the basement of the Derry pharmacy. On the surface, this seems like a really odd, and kind of unsettling casting choice. It turns out though that this was done to better reflect Stephen King's intent for the two characters.

In the IT book, Eddie's wife is said to be a mirror image of his mother, who had passed away several years before Pennywise's battle with the adult losers. Myra Kaspbarak is, like Sonia, both overweight and obsessively worried about Eddie. In the 1990 IT miniseries, this was addressed by removing Myra entirely, and just having a grown-up Eddie still living with his mother, who in the miniseries actually isn't overweight. For IT Chapter Two, director Andy Muschietti opted to make the similarities between Eddie's wife and mom more explicit, having them be literally identical, and played by the same actress. That choice still says some sad and upsetting things about Eddie's development from childhood to adulthood, but on the bright side, it at least lets Eddie not die a virgin like he did in the IT miniseries.

More: IT Chapter Two's Suicide Note Sends a Bad Message