Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull writer David Koep's latest statements on the film's inclusion of aliens prove that despite an enormous degree of love for the franchise from fans, the results aren't always perfect. That being said, the Indiana Jones character has consistently remained an example of how to create the perfect action-adventure hero.

It's hard to imagine any other big screen hero still being capable of returning over forty years after they originally appeared. Yet when it comes to Indiana Jones, it seems that fans are always ready for more. As far as celebrated characters go, Indy is one of the greatest of all time and this hasn't changed regardless of how each installment of the series is received. Though his passion for adventure is the most obvious aspect of his character, these 10 memes help provide further insight into who Indy is.

A Man Of Continuous Contrasts

Indy at school teaching meme

Source: Instagram

Real-life archaeology isn’t quite what’s depicted in the Indiana Jones films, but Indy’s still managed to corner two aspects of the profession. In Raiders of the Lost Ark, he’s adamant that the majority of archaeology is done in the library, but in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, that opinion has changed.

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If there’s one certainty about Indiana Jones, it’s that there are no certainties. Even his notorious fear of snakes was initially not fear at all until a very overwhelming encounter in The Last Crusade changed his mind. Life moves fast for Indiana Jones, and that inevitably forces his character to continuously evolve.

Never Going To Back Down

Indy vivid imagination meme

Source: Instagram

With a fifth installment of the Indiana Jones series on its way, fans have been discussing the possibility of a new actor taking over the iconic role. When the unfounded rumor that Chris Pratt might take over from Harrison Ford began to circulate, fans became very resistant and defensive.

In many ways, Indy embodies this die-hard resistance in each installment of the franchise. Whenever the odds are very much against him – as they were in Temple of Doom when he was captured by Mola Ram, he can still find the strength to not back down and more often than not, to find a sarcastic quip.

Bond, Indiana Bond

Indiana Jones James Bond comparison meme

Source: Instagram

The roots of the Indiana Jones character go back to Steven Spielberg’s desire to direct a James Bond film. When that proved to not be an option, the story goes that Spielberg and George Lucas came up with a 007-esque character who would perform his globetrotting for the sake of fortune and glory.

When examined at length, it’s clear that there are many similarities between Indiana Jones and James Bond. But while Bond is something of a womanizer, Jones is often more interested in ruins and ancient artifacts. Still, much like Bond, Indy’s determination is central to his character – regardless of how daunting the task and its odds of success are.

Dependable…But Unpredictable

Indiana Jones meme

Source: Instagram

While Indiana Jones’ relationship with women is a difficult one to pin down, one woman who has repeatedly been a part of his wife throughout the series is Marian Ravenwood. In many ways the female equivalent of Indy, her no-nonsense demeanor has ensured that she remains a part of his life.

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The life of Indiana Jones is guided primarily by a love for unearthing some of the greatest artifacts in existence. As a result, his relationships – regardless of gender – are reduced to friendly contacts rather than close personal friends. It’s hard to say when a long-time friend/contact will be sought out again, but eventually, they will be.

Indiana Jones meets Drake template meme

Source: Instagram

Like all major franchises, fans are bound to have their favorite and least favorite aspects or entries. In the case of Indiana Jones, there’s a considerable number of fans who don’t enjoy Temple of Doom, but an even greater number are not pleased with how the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull turned out.

Regardless of these opinions about the films in the beloved series, each film does chronicle the ongoing adventures of Indiana Jones. As such, the series challenges the notion of who audiences feel Indy is to a certain extent because the character shows new sides of himself throughout. It might not always be popular, but it’s always Indy in one way or another.

Undeniably Charming

Indiana Jones threw him out the window meme

Source: Movie Reliquary via Instagram

Whether starring as Indiana Jones or Han Solo, Harrison Ford has rightly earned his place as a highly respected lead actor. Both Indy and Han will forever be remembered within the rich history of cinema, and while not every Indiana Jones film receives the same degree of acclaim, there’s no denying Ford’s irresistibility as the character.

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A big part of why Indiana Jones is such a classic hero is how unquestionably suited for the role Ford is. It’s far easier to believe in the things that Indy does – even just for a moment, with someone like Ford portraying him. Without a doubt, Indiana Jones would not be the character he is without Ford’s ability to sell every trait to audiences.

Willing To Be Proven Wrong

Indiana Jones original trilogy meme

Source: Instagram

In Temple of Doom, Indy is skeptical, to say the least, that the Sankara stones hold the degree of magic that the legend stated they did. This is very much in line with his character, as he’s previously been dubious of other artifacts throughout his adventures, only to ultimately see that his science-based mind isn’t always right.

One of the often overlooked but great aspects of Indy’s character is that he’s willing to be proven wrong about the mysterious artifacts he sets off in search of. This allows him to have a sort of duality that keeps him focused on the task at hand while also being entirely prepared to go with the flow. Without this, Indy or his adventures simply wouldn’t be the same.

Always Focused, Always Ready

Source: Instagram

Without the action sequences that Indiana Jones films offer, the series simply would not be the same. Whether he’s battling Nazis, deranged cultists, or power-hungry Soviets, every Indy fan knows that there will be plenty of action – and often in the most creative ways possible.

Arguably the greatest part of watching Indy battle the biggest creeps in the world is how relentless he is. This determination is amplified to an even greater degree when whatever sacred artifact he’s pursuing falls into the wrong hands. After four films, it’s clear that nothing stops Indiana Jones from getting what he wants or protecting what needs protection.

Accessories Are Everything

Indiana Jones fedora comparison meme

Source: Instagram

Indy’s fedora was destined to become one of the character’s classic features, straight from the opening minutes of Raiders of The Lost Ark. Why it works as well as it does isn’t easy to define, but it’s now so deeply ingrained in pop culture that no other character in any film can wear one without comparisons being made.

More than just a hat, Indy’s fedora has become entwined in the very heart of the adventures he faces. It’s cleverly used to heighten the tension – as audiences witnessed in Raiders, and Indy’s willingness to risk everything to retrieve it is symbolic of who he is as a person. He remains intact in all respects, regardless of the daunting odds against him.

His Name Is Synonymous With Adventure

Source: Instagram

Within the opening minutes of Raiders of the Lost Ark, the world got its first taste of the degree of adventure that Indiana Jones would face for the sake of fortune and glory. This wasn’t simply battling enemies – the franchise redefined what adventure on the big screen meant and Indy was its torchbearer.

Of all the cinematic heroes in existence, arguably none have their characters summed up as aptly by adventure as does Indiana Jones. It’s now at the point where quick exits through narrow spaces are synonymous with the heroic archaeologist’s antics. Without this essential component, Indy would just be another character, and cinema would be poorer for it.

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