Superheroes like the Incredible Hulk are famous for being virtually indestructible. Bullets, bombs, and even lasers have been shown incapable of piercing the super-strong Green Goliath’s skin — which can become a serious problem when it comes to medical treatment.

After all, superhero battles are dangerous and if a hero like the Hulk was ever gravely injured, doctors wouldn’t be able to use conventional gear to treat him. Needles, scalpels, and even a defibrillator would have little to no effect on someone like the Hulk, meaning his invulnerable body would, ironically, be the very thing that ends up killing him.

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Fortunately, the Hulk is nothing if not creative and cunning - and he once came up with an innovative (if somewhat gross) way of getting around that problem when he had to seek medical attention. This happened in The Incredible Hulk #365, during a storyline by Peter David and Jeff Purves titled “Countdown.” In the story, Bruce Banner gets poisoned by a scientist who turns out to be Madman, the brother of Hulk’s old nemesis the Leader.

Although Banner transformed into the Hulk — who at this point in his evolution was gray-skinned and intelligent — the poison continued to affect the Hulk who suffered from multiple heart attacks. Realizing he needed help, Hulk sought out Reed Richards who was giving a speech at a nearby gathering. Unfortunately, Hulk’s violent entrance made everyone think he was attacking, which got him into a fight with the Fantastic Four’s new member Ms. Marvel. Although he managed to overpower Ms. Marvel, he suffered another heart attack, allowing Ms. Marvel to knock him out. In the aftermath, Reed had the Hulk transported to a nearby hospital where he was treated by a doctor. Waking up in the hospital, Hulk was informed that the doctors needed a blood sample to figure out what was poisoning him, but couldn’t pierce his skin or even his gums with their needles.

In response, Hulk simply asked for a test tube — and then hit himself in the face until he got a bloody nose. Although his healing factor quickly sealed up the wound, Hulk just kept punching himself repeatedly until his nose dripped enough blood for Reed Richards and the other scientists to analyze. Admitting the process was somewhat taxing, Hulk actually asked the doctors for some aspirin.

Hulk would eventually find a cure for his condition, but his violent means of extracting his own blood shows what lengths he’s willing to go just to survive, and since his imperviousness is a common trait amongst superheroes, it's a tactic that others could try during their bet check-up. After battling the army and numerous super villains, Hulk’s certainly no stranger to pain, but even Reed Richards was shocked at how readily the beheometh was willing to engage in self-harm.

Next: Hulk Finally Admits He’s Not as Innocent as Fans Pretend