In Xenoblade Chronicles 3, one of the shops that players will have to unlock in order to gain access to its benefits is the Nopon Coin Xchange. The Nopon are a recurring race of laid-back creatures found in every Xenoblade Chronicles game, and they're easily identified by their egg shape and fuzzy features. The Nopon run their own market in Xenoblade Chronicles 3, though the shop feature isn't available in the game until players reach a milestone and complete the quest that will open the Nopon Coin Xchange for business.

The Nopon Coin Xchange trades its goods exclusively for silver and gold Nopon coins, and the merchant is a character named Seekseek. As players continue their long journey to beat Xenoblade Chronicles 3, they will come across this currency before the Nopon Coin Xchange is open for business. While the silver and gold Nopon coins are rarer to find than the game's main currency, there are still multiple ways to obtain them. For example, players can sometimes obtain Nopon coins for finishing quests or completing skirmishes in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. This currency can also be earned by defeating various monsters, and can sometimes be found by looting containers and Supply Drops.

Related: Where to Find Egg Seed in Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Before the Nopon Coin Xchange can be unlocked, players will need to reach Colony 4 in the Fornis region. Afterward, head to the question mark on the map that marks the entrance to the Milio Trick Cavern next to the Namba Mound Camp. This location is southeast of Colony 4, can be found at any time of day in Xenoblade Chronicles 3, and should be easy to find after players reach the prerequisite destination. Upon entering the cavern, players will need to defeat the enemies inside and solve the two puzzle gates to gain access to Sage's Domicile.

How To Unlock Nopon Coin Xchange In Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Opening Trick Locks In Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Once players have access to Sage's Domicile, they can access a new ledge overlooking the desert where Seekseek and Burrburr. Burrburr will issue the Thrill of the Hunt quest, wherein the Nopon will explain how the Coin Xchange market works in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. The quest requires players to find 15 Nopon Coins, including those that they may have found before beginning Thrill of the Hunt. Additionally, Seekseek will introduce players to the Nopon traders via another quest that requires 19 of them to be visited.

Unlocking the Nopon Coin Xchange is one of the best things to do in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 because the market can be used to acquire ingredients for a cooking recipe and upgrade gems. While containers only reward one or two Nopon coins, skirmishes can reward up to three or four coins. Lastly, those who begin a New Game+ will have to unlock the market again.

Next: How to Open Trick Locks in Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is available on Nintendo Switch.