Bond Charge levels unlock special attacks between members of the Strawhat crew in One Piece Odyssey, making for powerful strikes that can be useful against the more intimidating enemies players face. Obtained through the Hysteria Memory Link locations, Bond Charge levels are increased by performing certain actions in a battle that raise the connection between one or more characters. Although some of these special moves are locked behind a level prerequisite, plenty can be found from lower levels that give players incentive to raise these relationships as often as possible.

The most important factor in raising Bond Charge levels revolves around the performance of unique actions during combat. The first instance players fulfill an objective that would raise a Bond Charge, a large number of points goes into the overall level. However, doing that same action again only increases the level slightly, while taking a different course leads to higher growth. These Bond Charge levels between different characters in One Piece Odyssey's combat can be spent for their special action before resetting after use, so players might find mini-bosses are bigger bosses and the best chance to unleash these attacks.

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Actions for Increasing Bond Charge Levels in One Piece Odyssey

One Piece Odyssey Luffy and Chopper Team Up Special Attack Used through Bond Charge Level Increases

Bond Charge levels are consistent throughout each character between fights, meaning players can farm these traits before a significant battle is tied to the main story. Despite the tedious nature, this remains an excellent opportunity to gain XP for characters and boost their Bond Charges in preparation for tougher opponents. While not every enemy encounter has a difficulty strong enough to induce some of these bond charge actions, players may identify specific foes in One Piece Odyssey's JRPG world during their exploration that pose enough of a challenge to meet this need.

Bond Charge Actions:

  • Defeating an Enemy
  • Attack Every Enemy at Once - An Area of Effect (AoE) that targets every enemy at once gains a Bond Charge level.
  • Released Area that Crew was fighting in - Players can clear an area where another member of the crew or friendly character was in.
  • Backup Crew in an Area - Using the move action on an enemy in an area with a member of the crew or friendly character in One Piece Odyssey increases the Bond Charge level.
  • Enhance or Heal Crew Member - Players may cure a status on a crew member or enhance them through the use of an item/skill.
  • Change Frontline Crew Member - Switching out a crew member next to one or more enemies gives a Bond Charge level.
  • Resist a Move - Players that resist a powerful move from an enemy receive points toward the Bond Charge level.
  • Revive a Crew Member - A crew member or friendly character at 0 HP can be given a food item to recover their health somewhat, which increases the Bond Charge level.

More: How Long One Piece Odyssey Takes To Beat

Source: YouTube/BANDAI NAMCO Europe

  • One Piece Odyssey Game Poster
    One Piece Odyssey
    One Piece
    PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Microsoft Windows
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
    One Piece Odyssey is an open-world RPG game from developer ILCA where players will play as iconic heroes and heroines from the One Piece Franchise. Set in the One Piece world with an original but canonical storyline, Odyssey sees the Straw Hat crew swallowed by a massive storm during their travels, leaving them stranded on a mysterious island and separated from one another. Odyssey will let players use unique character abilities to traverse the massive world to find treasures and solve unique puzzles. Combat acts as a fast-paced turn-based battle system where character placement can be a benefit or a detriment based on each character's unique traits that remain faithful to the franchise. 
    How Long To Beat: