In a game like Mortal Shell, there aren't many opportunities for players to heal themselves, especially after a tough battle. Players often face formidable enemies that can bring down their health in just a few hits, making each fight more crucial than the other. Due to this, players must always be wary of having enough healing items, which can otherwise result in a quick death.

Since Mortal Shell is very similar to other Soulslike games, it differentiates itself by not having an Estus Flask or a Gourd as a healing mechanic. Instead, players are forced to look for other healing sources that can be very easy to miss.

Related: Dark Souls & Mortal Shell: All Similarities (& Differences) Explained

Best Healing Items In Mortal Shell

Mortal Shell Combat

There are many ways players can heal their character in Mortal Shell; however, they cannot be repeated as often. The first method involves using Weltcaps that can only be found in specific areas. The Weltcap can give players 30 Health, but it takes 30 seconds to refill. Therefore, Weltcaps should only be consumed when players are far away from an enemy and not in the middle of getting hit.

Weltcaps can be found in the swamp or the hub area that recharge after some time.

Another way players can heal themselves is by consuming a Roasted Rat. This healing item is quite rare as it can be found on certain enemies or purchased from a trader. The benefit of using a Roasted Rat is that it gives considerable health instantly and should be used during boss fights.

The Roasted Rat can also be bought from a Trader in Falgrim Outskirts.

There are also several abilities that players can obtain that will grant them extra health. For example, once players pick up the Tarnished Seal parry ability in Mortal Shell, they can add this skill that regenerates health. This is the first Riposte Skill they can get for parrying allows the player to recover some of their health every time they parry successfully. Other skills allow players to regenerate health upon picking up certain items or using specific attacks.

The final way to restore health is by using Mortal Tokens. After using a token, the next time a player stops an enemy from damaging them by using the Harden skill, they will regenerate some of their health back. This should be used sparingly as the Mortal Tokens are rare items that players won't want to use often in Mortal Shell.