The preview for the next issue of IDW Publishing's High Republic series features a scene that seems ordinary on its own, but becomes quite chilling when compared to a disagreement that Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi will later have about Anakin Skywalker 200 years later.

In the prequel trilogy, Yoda initially rejects Obi-Wan Kenobi's request to take the young Anakin Skywalker in as his pupil upon the death of Kenobi's master, Qui-Gon Jinn. At that time, the Jedi had a cut off date for when a Force-user could become a Padawan, and both Yoda and the Jedi Council believed that Anakin was much too old to begin his training. More menacingly, Yoda feared that grave danger could come about if he did become a Padawan, an ominous foreshadowing that he relates to Obi-Wan, who, of course, waves it aside. The young Jedi claims that he gave Qui-Gonn his word that he would take the boy in as his Padawan and would therefore train him without the approval of the Council if it ever came to that. Based on what inevitably transpires, Yoda was right to worry, for grave danger did come about, and in much abundance.

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Created by Daniel Jose Older, Pow Rodrix and Harvey Tolibao, the preview of Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #4 shows Padawan Lula Talisola unofficially training Force-user and recruit Zeen Mrala, even after Yoda and other Jedi Masters earlier came to the decision that she, like Anakin, was much too old to become an apprentice. Of course, it is quite evident that the rules on this and other matters are much laxer than they would later be two centuries later, as Lula obviously isn't trying to hide what she's doing from her superiors.

And yet, the reader can't help but feel some level of dread when watching the scene unfold for two reasons. One, Zeen has already proven to be quite similar to Anakin, as she is an older child who never received any training and yet possesses incredible powers, much like how Anakin had a high Midi-chlorian count when Qui-Gonn first found him on Tatooine. Secondly, if Obi-Wan Kenobi, who started officially training Anakin as a Jedi Knight and then later as a Jedi Master, failed Anakin on so many levels, what damage can Lula's training inflict on Zeen? The possibilities and overall scale are endless and quite grave. Lula is not even a Jedi Knight, but a mere Padawan who doesn't even possess enough knowledge of the Force for herself, let alone for teaching another person.

Moreover, she is only imparting partial, sporadic lessons whenever they are alone, rather than providing this crucial information in the fullest and safest manner possible to a person who is already in a vulnerable stage of her life. Yoda was right to question Obi-Wan Kenobi and fear Anakin during the prequel trilogy. And that situation was better than Zeen's current predicament during the High Republic era. Imagine what the Yoda from the future would have thought about what was happening right now two centuries earlier? He feared what could have happened with Anakin Skywalker then. The Yoda of the future would be absolutely terrified now.

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