The titular character of the Harry Potter franchise is one of the most iconic protagonists in pop culture and someone who constantly proves their brilliance to Potterheads upon every rewatch of the series. Not only is Harry the main wizard in the saga, but he may well be the best, which gets shown not only through his actions but his speech.

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Harry has some fantastic quotes throughout the saga, and many of them show traits and wisdom that would only be found in the best of the best witches and wizards in the Wizarding World.

When Harry Talks About The Difference Between Hogwarts And Real Life

"You Don't Know What That's Like."

Dumbledore's Army meet up at Hogs Head in Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix

The one thing that sets Harry apart from every one of his student peers (until The Deathly Hallows) is the fact that Harry had fully experienced the danger and threat of the outside world, of dark magic, of pure evil.

This speech that he gives to the soon-to-be Dumbledore's Army undoubtedly inspires fear within them, but it also encourages them to join the fight. They realize Harry is the best wizard of their age based on experience alone, and it is hard to dispute that.

When Harry Wants To Give Dobby The Burial He Deserves

"I Want To Bury Him Properly, Without The Magic."

Harry buries Dobby in The Deathly Hallows

The death of Dobby is one of the most heartbreaking and goosebump-inducing moments in the Harry Potter films, and also has one of the most touching Harry moments as he decides to bury Dobby by hand, without magic.

It may seem odd to use an example of Harry not using magic to say he is the best wizard, but what this does is highlight the loyalty, care, and respect Harry has for all of his friends and people from all walks of life, even a house Elf who many look down upon.

When Harry Inspires Dumbledore's Army

"If They Can Do It, Why Not Us?"

Dumbledore's army training in The Order Of tHe Phoenix

Audiences get to see how brilliant of a teacher and leader Harry is in The Order of the Phoenix when he spearheads Dumbledore's Army, giving a slew of motivating lessons to his friends, including this.

He tells everyone that all of the great wizards started off as students, so they can all reach their heights. This leadership and passion that Harry displays and the advanced skill in actually teaching students of his age make a very good case for him being the best wizard at Hogwarts.

When Harry Saves Himself And Sirius

"Expecto Patronum!"

Harry casting Expecto Patronum in Prisoner of Azkaban

Sometimes character quotes do not need to be messages or displays of their intelligence but instead encapsulate the moment in which they come in, which is why "Expecto Patronum" is such a brilliant Harry Potter quote.

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The ability of Harry to use such a spell at his age is a phenomenal feat. On top of that, it is so typical of Harry to do so to save an innocent man from certain death, a man whom he loved and to whom he was already loyal.

When Harry Refuses To Kill People For The Sake Of It

"I Won't Blast People Out Of My Way Just Because They're There. That's Voldemort's Job."

Harry fights Voldemort in The Deathly Hallows

Throughout Harry Potter, Harry displays an unwillingness to fatally harm people, even his enemies, and this humanity not only sets him apart from Voldemort but highlights that he is one of the best people in the Wizarding World.

This quote actually comes in the novel and is a response to Lupin, who criticizes Harry for his constant use of Expelliarmus when fighting Death Eaters, a practical but not overly powerful attacking spell. This response sums up why Harry is such a fantastic hero for the franchise, sticking to his principles and showcasing his decency and morality as well as his typically Gryffindor trait of stubbornness.

When Harry Rejects Draco Malfoy

"I Think I Can Tell The Wrong Sort For Myself, Thanks."

Draco Malfoy glares at Ron Weasley in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

While not perfect, Harry always did have a good sense of morality and was a supremely nice person, never one to judge anyone negatively for no good reason. That is a wonderful thing for anyone, including witches and wizards, to have, and it gets shown here.

Not appreciating Draco's damning description of Ron and his family, Harry hits back with this iconic quote from The Philosopher's Stone, immediately establishing his rivalry with Draco and showing his heroic side on a more personal level.

When Harry Pities Voldemort

"You're The One Who's Weak. You'll Never Know Love Or Friendship, And I Feel Sorry For You."

Harry gets possessed by Voldemort in THe Order Of The Phoenix

One of the more harrowing moments in The Order Of The Phoenix is when Voldemort possesses Harry. This, in turn, leads to one of the biggest showcases of Harry's internal strength and goodness.

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In a truly beautiful act of defiance, Harry seems to cast Voldemort out and lambasts him with this quote. These are the things that Harry values, that all the best wizards value, things that Voldemort can never know because he is pure evil, nothing but a dark cloud of selfishness and power-craving arrogance.

When Harry Makes The Ultimate Sacrifice

"I'm Ready To Die."

Harry Potter with Golden Snitch in Deathly Hallows

Accepting death is not an easy place to reach in one's life. Dumbledore was another wizard who welcomed death when the time was right, but to do so at Harry's age was extraordinary and heroic to no end.

Harry says this quote, one of the saddest in the saga, into his Golden Snitch, which, luckily, gave him the Resurrection Stone. Even if he never got the stone, however, Harry would have gone through with it; he would have stayed dead so that his friends and family could win, could survive.

When Harry Tells Dumbledore's Army What Is Important

"Working Hard Is Important, But There's Something That Matters Even More: Believing In Yourself."

Harry teaches Ron, Cho, and Neville in Dumbledore's Army

If someone was simply to listen to the lessons Harry teaches Dumbledore's Army, they would think he was far older and wiser than any typical 15-year-old. Alas, that is what makes his teaching ability so impressive.

This is one of many tidbits he gives to his friends/students teaching them the value of not cockiness, but confidence, a self-belief that is not arrogant but earned alongside their hard work. Harry already knows the importance of these things, and his passing on these lessons is akin to great sage masters of pop culture, except this time coming from an emotionally complex teen.

When Harry Tells His Friends The Advantage They Have Over Voldemort

"We've Got One Thing Voldemort Doesn't Have: Something Worth Fighting For."

Harry and his friends leave Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Order OF The Phoenix

Voldemort is a wizard who craves power to a worrying degree. His ambitions are to rule the Wizarding World, to live forever, and to be the greatest wizard of all time. What Harry fights for is so much more.

That is what he tells his friends as they leave for summer following their fifth year. Harry is fighting for his friends, for the greater good of the Wizarding World. Harry does not go out with a need for fame and power but for safety and happiness for those he loves.

NEXT: 5 Ways Harry & Voldemort Are Similar (& 5 Ways They're Total Opposites)