As the Wizarding World is looking at an impending reboot due to the poor performance of the Fantastic Beasts spin-off, fans still can't get over the original Harry Potter movies. The magical movies began on a positive note, but they progressively got darker and more serious, finally becoming extremely grim in Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince.

The stakes became higher in the sixth installment, with vital players like Dumbledore meeting their maker, Draco switching over to the dark side, and the twisted concept of Horcruxes being introduced to fans. Fresh but pivotal characters like Slughorn also made an appearance, and these memes wrap up the whole movie perfectly.

Smart Guy Snape

Source: Reddit

When unsuspecting viewers watched Harry pick up the beat-up Potions book with friendly hints scribbled all over it, little did they think that Harry's Potions companion was his nemesis, Severus Snape? The two shared the worst relationship, and the indulgent title was quite unlike Snape.

He was a genius at Potions and spell casting, which was how Harry succeeded when he followed his advice. Snape could have written a whole new textbook with his tips and tricks and monetized it, but he chose to settle with scribbling them in the margins instead.

Slughorn's Shame

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Poor Horace Slughorn had lived in shame since he helped Tom Riddle figure out what Horcruxes were, which then became the main survival strategy for the Dark Lord when he took that avatar. There was no way for Slughorn to guess that Riddle would become one of the evilest wizards of all time, but he lived in complete humiliation for introducing him to the dark magic.

He also didn't realize that he could reverse that damage by telling Dumbledore and Harry what he said to Riddle that night, until much later. Horace should have been proud of the magical prowess that he knew a lot more advanced magic than even Voldemort.

Draco's Helplessness

Source: Imgflip

Evil and wrongdoing were often associated with Draco Malfoy, but the sixth Harry Potter installment showed that he was mostly misunderstood and pressured by his family. Voldemort threatened their lives if Draco didn't join him and kill Dumbledore, which was a very tall order.

This led to the initially resilient character breaking down, as he had no choice but to be truly wicked to save his father and mother. The lack of love and care made him the way he was.

Goodbye, Dumbledore

Source: Quickmeme

The biggest event in Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince was, undoubtedly, Dumbledore's death. Not only was it tragic because he was such an important pillar of Hogwarts, but also because of the way he passed. Poor Draco was tasked to kill him, but Snape took over and sent him hurting down the Astronomy tower.

Dumbledore and Snape had a pact wherein the latter was supposed to kill the former, but his death still hit fans the hardest. Many fans like to avoid this movie because of the heartbreaking ending.

The Love Triangle

Source: Meme

Ron's sudden relationship with Lavender was shocking to everyone, especially to Hermione who already felt deeply for her fellow Gryffindor. It was the first time she truly lamented something romantic, and she truly hated the pairing of Ron and Lavender.

This was why fans were extremely pleased when Ron, in a semi-conscious state in the hospital wing, asked for Hermione and not his actual girlfriend which betrayed his true feelings.

The Pincers

Source: Wattpad

Each Harry Potter movie has had some iconic scenes, and the pincers scene during Aragog's funeral was a real laugh-out-loud moment for fans. Harry was always a bit serious and focused on the nearly impossible task of defeating Lord Voldemort, so it was quite pleasant to see his comedic timing in this movie.

He was right to throw caution to the winds because Ron and he had very nearly fallen prey to the same pincers that he imitated in the second installment.

The Unbreakable Vow

Source: Pinterest

As Draco was thrust into evil for the sake of his parents, the only way out for Narcissa Malfoy was to make sure someone looked out for him at Hogwarts. Since Snape was considered Voldemort's man, but also a family friend, she made him take the Unbreakable Vow to protect her son.

The big push to take the Vow was by the clever and shrewd Bellatrix, who wanted nothing but to prove that Snape wasn't who he said he was. Still, Snape did take the Vow, and he helped Draco out a great amount in his sixth year.

The Half-Blood Prince, Himself

Source: Reddit

The self-appointed title of Half-Blood Prince, Severus Snape, had many reasons to call himself by this name. He was born to witch Eileen Prince and muggle Tobias Snape, which made him a half-blood. His reasons for taking on "Prince" are two-pronged: it was his mother's last name, and he wanted to eschew all hints of poverty that he was so familiar with.

There is no denying that there was a similarity in sound to the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, which was why this very unique and hilarious meme was birthed.

Hermione Vs. The Textbook

Source: Imgflip

Over the years, Hermione had many pet peeves, but few things irritated her as much as Harry using the Half-Blood Price's scrawled textbook for his benefit. She was used to being the best at everything, which was why she hated it that Harry was surpassing her, and not even on his talent.

She encouraged Harry to throw away the book for selfish and unselfish reasons because she cared about her friend. Selfishly, she hated being second in class and didn't appreciate cheating of any kind.

Felix Felicis

Source: Pinterest

The little bottle of liquid gold, Felix Felicis, played a bigger role in the movie than most people. Liquid Luck was the thing that got Harry to make Slughorn spill his Horcrux secret which he had guarded his whole life, and then Harry pretended to slip it into Ron's drink so he did well at Quidditch.

The potion had some properties of alcohol, which made users high and reckless when they took it. This was the euphoric state that Harry was in as Hagrid wept over Aragog.

NEXT: The 9 Most Noble Things The Malfoys Did In Harry Potter