The very anticipated video game adaptation of the Wizarding World, Hogwarts Legacy, will be released on February 10, 2023. Although the game was pushed back from its original release date fans trust the delay is due to enhancements that will make the gaming experience better.

Some wondered if the game's story would follow Harry Potter's children, but it will be set in the late 1800s, meaning that any other known alive character from the main franchise will not make an appearance. Most pieces based on the Wizarding World are set before Harry, Ron, and Hermione's generation, which is a shame, given that many fans are curious about the future of their children. The only thing fans were left with was an iconic scene where Harry reveals Albus Severus' name, which for some was so funny and absurd that it was meme-worthy.

Named In Honor Of Dead People

In many fiction stories, as well as real-life cases, friends honor their companion's death by naming their children after them, although for some, Harry Potter took this gesture a little bit too far. He also didn't name Albus Severus after his friends but after his mentors.

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The only exception is Lily, who was also named Luna in honor of Luna Lovegood. It is unknown if Harry was under the effects of the obliviate charm, given that he seemed to forget many friends that passed away and that were worthy of being one of the many names of Albus Severus.

Laughing Stock

Albus Severus is one of the characters who had the most to gain from Felix Felicis, given that with a little bit more luck, maybe he would've gained a decent name. Or at least he would have been named after less problematic characters to not be considered a laughing stock.

J.K Rowling sure rejoiced in being able to put two names to Harry's children and tried to make sure nobody was left behind, although Lily, James, and Albus were not enough to honor all the characters that should be remembered in future generations, and Mad-Eye, Remus and Hedwig would have been great additions.

Harry II

Harry Potter tried to honor the wizards he most admired and named his children after Lily Evans, James Potter, Sirius Black, Luna Lovegood, Albus Dumbledore, and Severus Snape, but he probably wanted to name one of them after himself.

After all, he was the one to defeat the most powerful Potterverse villain and since he was a very young boy he was an outstanding wizard. It's a shame Albus Severus was named after everyone but his famous extraordinary father.

Why Severus?

There is an intense debate between Potterheads about Snape's true colors. Although many forgive him because he loved Lily, others don't accept his cruel behavior towards students. The first ones are usually movie fans, and the second ones are book fans.

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The conflict between the two is perfectly depicted with the American Chopper meme, although the meme creator seems to be based only on what happened in the movie, which is fair. However, Snape is far more sinister in the books and is hard to understand why Albus is named after him.

Squib Potter

Given Harry's tendency to squeeze many friends' names into one kid, it is not hard to imagine him naming Albus Severus after Argus Filch and Arabella Figg if he had been born without magical powers, and therefore, had been a squib.

If that would have been the case, it is understandable that Albus Severus would have been bummed about not being able to attend Hogwarts, after all, his father and mother come from a pure-blood line of wizards and were outstanding students in the school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Did Ginny Have A Say?

All of Harry and Ginny's children are named after Potter's parents and biggest idols, which made many wonder if Ginny had any say on their kids' name choices. She also had people she admired and lost his brother Fred in the Battle of Hogwarts, so she probably wanted to name one of their children after someone she loved.

Nevertheless, for Harry Potter, it was not enough that his kids would get his last name and not Ginny's, and also hoarded all the first names. Luckily for Ginny and all the Weasleys, George named his son after Fred.


A novel about Albus Severus Potter was never released, but the play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (written by Jack Thorne and based on an original story by J.K Rowling) follows his first year of Hogwarts and he gets placed in Slytherin with Draco Malfoy's son, Scorpius.

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Although the meme points out that a book where Albus Severus is sorted into Slytherin would never make sense, the play was critically acclaimed, so for many reviewers, it made all the sense in the world.

Ronald Potter

Ron did a lot of things for Harry that saved him, including risking his life at the tender age of eleven in a deathly game of chess. Besides, he has many quotes that prove Ron is the funniest character so would it really have been that bad for Albus Severus to be Albus Ronald Severus?

Unfortunately for Ron, he didn't die, so he didn't get a name among his best friend and sister's children. But even though Harry asks in the meme if Ron died as a condition to be part of his children's names, Luna Lovegood was still alive when she was honored in Lily Luna Potter.

Two-Manipulative-Men Potter

Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape were greatly admired by Harry, however, nobody can deny that their actions were very questionable. Neither shared vital information with Harry Potter, despite it being very important for his survival, death, or understanding of things.

Most importantly, Dumbledore never told Harry he had to die, and Snape never told him that he was actually trying to protect him because he deeply loved his mother, Lily. Regardless of that, they were his idols, so it is not hard to believe he would follow their secrecy and act like them with his son.

NEXT: 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Voldemort As A Character