Whether it’s to casually cruise around Los Santos in style or to have the fastest vehicle when it comes to races, knowing what the best tuner car in Grand Theft Auto 5 is important to some players. New cars are constantly being added into the game following every content update, so the ranking of performance is always changing. Trying to determine what tuner car is more superior to others can prove to be challenging as factors such as speed, acceleration, handling, and drift all have to be taken into effect. Sometimes having a wide variety of customization options at the player’s disposal can be nice to have as well.

The Grand Theft Auto 5 Los Santos Tuners update is the most impactful update in regards to tuner cars. Not only did it bring in new missions, property, and races into GTA Online, but it also brought along Los Santos Car Meets where up to 30 players can come together to show off their best rides. The social feature improves the quality of life factor as it allows players to socialize more with each other without having the worry of a griefer blowing up their vehicles in the process.

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For players who have a lot of money, one of the best tuner cars to pick up right now is the Jester RR. This tuner is even considered to be one of the fastest cars in Grand Theft Auto 5 Online. While it does have a top speed of 125 mph, it does, unfortunately, drop in stats regards to handling as a trade-off.

 The Jester RR Is Expensive, But Worth It In Grand Theft Auto 5

Image of Jester RR In GTA V

The Jester RR is one of the most expensive tuner cars selling for $1,970,000 and $1,477,500 at trade price. It’s going to set players back even further due to customization options such as armor upgrades, engines, and cosmetics for the vehicle costing a considerable sum in addition. In GTA Online this tuner car can also be won through completing the ninth Prize Ride Challenge, which requires the player to place top 3 in the Street Race Series 5 days in a row.

With the Jester RR being a high-end sports car, players might find themselves resorting to buying shark cards in Grand Theft Auto 5 Online. A cheaper tuner car that’s efficient and more affordable is the Annis Remus which costs $1,370,000. One of the best features about this vehicle is that for a cheaper price the stats are still quite good, making it a useful alternative for those looking to spend a bit less. While it doesn’t match the Jester RR, it’s definitely a solid alternative.

This can could all change in the future as Grand Theft Auto 5 continues to receive content updates. With the next-gen version coming out this month there’s no telling what may happen. Until then, the Jester RR holds the title of GTA 5's best tuner car.

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