Frankie is the quirky, messy counterpart to Grace in Netflix's show Grace And FrankieThe show takes much influence on the original backbones of the classic The Odd Couple -- flipping the genders of the best friends, adding some years to their age, and including a queer twist, mind you--and it's clear that Frankie is the Oscar of the duo.

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Much of the time it's easy to find Frankie's chaotic, off-beat personality endearing, and most of the time Frankie is in fact a pioneer of strength and radical positivity and a true inspiration to viewers--but there are also times when one might find her grating on the nerves.

Icon: She Wears What She Wants

Frankie may be a bit long in the tooth, so to say, but she doesn't let that determine what she wears. Frankie expresses herself through her fashion choices and chooses things that make her feel good about herself without being hindered by what people might think of her. Best of all, her fashion sense really works, asserting the fact that no matter who a person is, individual style can always be a strength.

Unbearable: She Doesn't Listen To Reason

While she is often a rock for people in her life, Frankie still ends up being the one who needs some sense talked into her. She is known to go off on tangents that cause her to lose sight of what's around her, constricting herself to a narrow view with there are many other views that are worth considering.

Icon: She's Body Positive

Unlike many would have older women think, Frankie holds no shame when it comes to her body, including talking about it with other people.

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Frankie is perfectly happy to engage in a conversation involving her or anyone else's physicality, and always in a positive way. A perfect example of this is when she devotes her time to painting her own genitalia, originally intended for the packaging of an item that would be mass-produced.

Unbearable: She's Immature

She's wise and whip-smart, but she also has a tendency for behaving immaturely. At times Frankie seems no different than a small child throwing temper tantrums or pouting in the corner because someone hurt their feelings. Sensitivity is one of her strong points, but it can go too far when she lets herself react to every single tremor of her emotions.

Icon: She Asks Why

No matter what law or rule is at hand, Frankie does not take it for granted. She has a habit of questioning the status quo;  a quality that causes other characters in the show to think twice about things they would normally take as a simple given of life. This mindset is also extended to the viewer, extending an opportunity to think outside the box.

Unbearable: She's Stuck On Sol

It's difficult to watch Grace and Frankie struggle with being left by their husbands. One can't begrudge Frankie an emotional, messy response to the situation, but it does get a little painful to see how dependent she is on him following their separation. They are older in years and have been together a very long time, but her dependence seems excessive and symptomatic of a lack of trusted confidantes in her life.

Icon: She's A Great Mother

Motherhood is one of the most important things for Frankie. She couldn't have children of her own, and so adopted two sons.

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Her sons, while very loving, are not the easiest in the world, yet she never stops being there for them. Their tight-knit relationship throughout the series is touching, and one of the more wholesome aspects of the show.

Unbearable: She's Oblivious

Grace and Frankie still

Frankie's air-headedness can be charming sometimes. She's unique for her habit of living life with her head in the clouds, so to speak--walking around thinking of lofty ideas, or daydreaming. However, at other times her seeming inability to pay attention and keep track of what's going on proves aggravating and almost willful.

Icon: She Believes In Her Art

Frankie isn't one of those people who acts like they are a creative type and then never actually creates anything. Many take it on as almost a trend or stylish personality trait to adopt, but Frankie is the real deal. She may not be a renowned artist, but she takes her practice seriously and respects her work without

Unbearable: She's Self-Righteous

Frankie's passion can be an admirable personality trait. She cares deeply for many things; her family, and other immediate concerns in life but also causes that go beyond her day-to-day and influence the betterment of the world, or so she sees it. Sometimes Frankie's own enthusiasm can the better of her and cause her to become egotistical, existing in a moral high ground that she thinks earns her the right to dismiss the input of others.

NEXT: Grace And Frankie: 10 Most Honest Scenes About Aging