Dragon Ball's Goku has always been one of the most iconic characters in anime history and is perpetually hailed for his exceptional strength and fighting abilities. Thanks to character being part of the Dragon Ball franchise for over three decades, he has seen numerous transformations and upgrades to his powers over the years. This trend extends to the infamous manga Super Dragon Ball Heroes, where Goku's current level of power has been revealed to be above Beerus himself...

Recently, Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultra God Mission has covered an event known as the Super Space-Time Tournament, where fighters from various timelines and histories all come together in order to determine which timeline is the strongest. The timeline declared to be the strongest would then be spared from utter annihilation at the hands of Aeos, a former Supreme Kai of Time. After battling a myriad of warriors including Bardock, Broly, and Cooler, Goku is transported to the realm of the Kaioshin of Time and pitted against the nefarious Aeos in order to halt her genocidal plotting. In chapter 10 of Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultra God Mission, Goku finally faced off with the newly crowned Supreme Kai of Time, Aeos, and what he demonstrated in that battle was truly awe-inspiring.

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Goku's Compares Aeos' Power To Beerus


The Supreme Kai of Time, Aeos, is a powerful being whose abilities range from time freezes, time acceleration, and the ability to completely see the future. Despite her god-like power, none of her attacks seemed to be capable of inflicting any lasting damage on Goku. The battle between Goku and Aeos was undoubtedly an intense one and showcased both Goku's immense strength and Aeos' tricky time hacks. That being said, however, what was most impressive about this battle was Goku's ability to directly compare Aeos' power to that of Beerus and still proclaim that she had no chance at winning. In order to end the battle against Aeos, Goku demonstrated a new technique called the "Beyond-God Warp Kamehameha." This Kamehameha was clearly an upgraded version of the iconic move he used on Perfect Cell decades ago, but with a twist. Goku was now using Instant Transmission in such rapid succession that he appeared to be in more than one place at once, similar to the Afterimage Technique.

Goku Reveals a Kamhameha Strong Enough to Kill Gods


The Beyond-God Warp Kamehameha was a move so powerful that it could have obliterated a Dragon Ball fighter on Beerus’ level... The fact that Goku was able to reach this level of power is truly a testament to his strength, determination, and decades of training. Despite the immense power of this technique, Goku ultimately decided not to use it against Aeos. He explains that he needs Aeos around in order to make sure she spares the other timelines but this decision of Goku's also hints at the level of power being used here. In essence, it seems as though Goku knew that had Aeos been hit by the Beyond God Warp Kamehameha, she would have died.

Goku's Beyond-God Warp Kamehameha is an ability that would leave even Dragon Ball's God of Destruction Beerus quaking in fear. The move's power surpasses even that of time itself, and it clearly isn't even Goku at maximum power just yet either. The Dragon Ball Heroes version of Goku has simply outclassed Beerus and perhaps the rest of the gods of destruction, making him one of the most powerful characters in the entirety of Dragon Ball's expansive lore. With the nonstop evolution of his powers, it will be exciting to see what other incredible feats Goku can achieve in Dragon Ball's future.

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