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Searching Hogwarts Castle and its grounds for hidden magical treasures as part of quests such as The Ghost of Our Love is a big part of Hogwarts Legacy. Much like the treasure map quests of other games, Hogwarts Legacy’s maps challenges you to match crude, stylized drawings with landmarks in the real game world. Aside from testing your knowledge of the local landmarks you might have seen on their travels, they also provide valuable treasure. This is a great way for new students to grab useful magical items.

The Ghost of Our Love is one of the earliest treasure maps you can find, and as such, you won’t need to have learned how to use Hogwarts Legacy's Alohomora Charm. The easiest way to trigger this quest is to visit Hogsmeade Graveyard, where you can find the Map with Floating Candles on one of the gravestones to the right. This will add a piece of parchment with some vague clues hinting at the location of some treasure. To put the clues together, you will first need to wait until after nightfall.

How To Solve Hogwarts Legacy's Floating Candles Treasure Map

Hogwarts Legacy Ghost Of Our Love Treasure Map

Once night has fallen, you will need to travel to Hogwarts Legacy's Forbidden Forest fast travel point. However, instead of heading into battle spiders and collecting their fangs as potion ingredients, you first need to turn around and walk towards the nearby bridge. Casting Lumos near the end of the bridge will summon some spooky floating candles.

These candles will guide you through the forest. As the numerous signs suggest, the Forbidden Forest is dangerous, so you should watch your step.

As demonstrated by PunchNshoot on YouTube, eventually, the floating candles will stop above a small tea table and two chairs. There’s a treasure chest nearby which you can pop open to grab some XP and Galleons, as well as the Treasure Seeker’s Scarf.

Opening the chest will complete this quest, and you can return to the safety of Hogwarts Castle with your new stuff. As always, you can always sell your unwanted gear or equip it while using Hogwart Legacy’s transmog function to give it a different appearance.

More: Hogwarts Legacy: Where To Get Dugbog Tongue (Potion Ingredient)

Source: Youtube/PunchNshoot

Editor’s Note: Harry Potter creator J.K. Rowling has been accused of transphobia by those in the LGBTQ+ community. Although not directly involved in the development of Hogwarts Legacy, Rowling does stand to earn royalties from the game. We would like to reiterate our support for trans rights and that trans identities are valid. Support services are listed below for trans people impacted by discussions of transphobia.

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  • Hogwarts Legacy Game Poster
    Hogwarts Legacy
    Avalanche Software
    Adventure, Action RPG, Open-World
    Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Microsoft Windows, Steam
    Warner Bros. Games
    Harry Potter
    Xbox One
    Release Date :
    February 2023