Zhongli is a Geo polearm user in Genshin Impact, and players will need to gather a lot of materials to complete his ascension. Players will need a total of 8,362,650 XP and 1,673,400 Mora to level up Zhongli, but players can also gather the ascension materials while they're working on leveling him up in Genshin Impact. To complete every ascension level for Zhongli, players will need to fight bosses and search around Liyue for the materials.

To obtain all of the necessary ascension materials, players will need to fight Genshin Impact's Geo Hypostasis to farm for Basalt Pillar and the different Prithiva Topaz. The Geo Hypostasis is located in Liyue's Guyun Stone Forest. Players will need to defeat this boss multiple times to gather enough materials for Zhongli's ascension. If players still need Prithiva Topaz after gathering enough Basalt Pillar, then they can also fight Golden Wolflord, Lupus Boreas, Primo Geovishap, Azhdaha, or Perpetual Mechanical Array.

Related: Genshin Impact: Yae Miko Ascension Guide

To complete every ascension, players will also need to find and fight Slimes for materials, but these are common enemies. If players want to fight a large mob of Slimes, they can head to the beach near Liyue Harbor or travel to Mondstadt. The last ascension material players will need is Cor Lapis, which is an ore that can be found around Liyue. Players can search for Cor Lapis in Mount Hulao and the underwater cave in Sal Terrae. Changshun also sells bundles of five Cor Lapis in Liyue Harbor for 1,500 Mora each. Once players have all the necessary materials, they can complete Zhongli's ascension in Genshin Impact.

  • Prithiva Topaz Silver x1
  • Prithiva Topaz Fragments x9
  • Prithiva Topaz Chunks x9
  • Prithiva Topaz Gemstone x6
  • Slime Condensate x18
  • Slime Secretions x 30
  • Slime Concentrate x36
  • Basalt Pillar x46
  • Cor Lapis x168

Best Weapons for Zhongli in Genshin Impact

Animation exploit turns Zhongli into Thor

The best weapons for Zhongli to use are the Staff of Homa or the Black Tassel. Both of these Polearm weapons will grant HP and amplify Zhongli's shield. Players will need various materials to fully upgrade their weapon of choice, including Slime drops, Aerosiderite items, Arrowheads, Ley Line materials, and Bone Shards. The materials can be found by fighting the Geovishap, Hilichurl Shooters, Slimes, and Abyss Mages in Genshin Impact. Players will also need a lot of Enhancement Ores and Mora to upgrade their weapons fully.

Staff of Homa Upgrade Materials

  • Dead Ley Line Branch x23
  • Dead Ley Line Leaves x27
  • Ley Line Sprout x21
  • Slime Condensate x15
  • Slime Secretions x23
  • Slime Concentrate x27
  • Grain of Aerosiderite x5
  • Piece of Aerosiderite x14
  • Bit of Aerosiderite x14
  • Chunk of Aerosiderite x6

Black Tassel Upgrade Materials

  • Fragile Bone Shard x10
  • Sturdy Bone Shard x12
  • Fossilized Bone Shard x18
  • Grain of Aerosiderite x2
  • Piece of Aerosiderite x6
  • Bit of Aerosiderite x6
  • Chunk of Aerosiderite x3
  • Firm Arrowhead x6
  • Sharp Arrowhead x10
  • Weathered Arrowhead x12

Along with completing the ascension and obtaining the best weapon, players may also want to upgrade Zhongli's talents. Players will need the following materials: Gold Books, Crown of Insight, and Tusk of Monoceros Caeli. The Gold Books can be obtained on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday from Taishan Mansion. Crown of Insight materials in Genshin Impact are obtained through offerings or limited-time events. The Tusk of Monoceros Caeli materials are dropped from the Tartaglia boss fight. Zhongli can become a very powerful support character in Genshin Impact if players complete his ascension, upgrade his talents, and equip him with one of the best available weapons.

Next: Genshin Impact 2.4: All Shenhe & Yun Jin Ascension Materials

Genshin Impact is available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, iOS, Android, and PC.