When Genshin Impact first released last year, the game allowed players to control the Traveler, a male or female sibling destined to save the world. Compared to starter characters like Lisa and Amber, the Traveler was pretty powerful. However, Genshin Impact's constant updates keep weakening the Traveler and decreasing their importance.

In early parts of the game, the Traveler has some fairly powerful attacks and also possesses the unique ability to switch between elements. Currently, that means they can change from Anemo (Wind) and Geo (Earth) elements when at a Statue of the Seven. However, this ability has become less important the longer Genshin Impact's story has gone on. Hopefully, this will change in Version 1.6, since the Inazuma region is expected to be added and should also allow for Travelers to access the Electro element there.

Related: Genshin Impact 1.6: Housing System & Serenitea Pot Changes Explained

For now, though, the Traveler's Anemo abilities are outshined by characters like Venti and Jean. Their Geo skills are equally overshadowed by Albedo and Zhongli (who recently got his own buff) as well as more common Geo users like Noelle. And as Genshin Impact continues getting new and better characters like Eula, the Traveler becomes less important and weak by comparison. In order to make the Traveler more vital to a team (and the game's story), developer miHoYo should consider making changes to the character soon.

How Genshin Impact Could Make The Traveler More Powerful

Genshin Impact's Lumine and Venti in Mondstadt. Lumine holds the broken Holy Lyre der Himmel.

At one point, the Traveler was arguably the most powerful free character in the game. However, as Genshin Impact has given away characters like Diona and Fischl in more recent events, that's no longer really the case. While Version 1.6's Electro buffs and Inazuma region could allow the Traveler to harness the power of Electro (and thereby make them more valuable again), the character will undoubtedly need a buff if they're going to stay relevant.

As evidenced by the delayed response and implementation of the Zhongli buff in Genshin Impact, miHoYo often seems hesitant about buffing characters. However, making the Traveler more powerful and on par with the current roster of playable characters in necessary. This will encourage players to use their own character in battle, instead of keeping them in reserves or out of the main party.

As the game has grown and been regularly updated, the Traveler's importance as the player's character has been significantly weakened. Now, outside of a few weak characters like Amber, the Traveler is one of the worst characters in Genshin Impact. Hopefully, miHoYo will add a buff soon to save the Traveler from obscurity and make them a vital party member once again.

Next: When Genshin Impact's 1.6 Livestream Will Happen