Genshin Impact's Version 3.3 update will introduce the Wanderer (Scaramouche) as a new playable 5-star character along with having a rerun Banner featuring Arataki Itto. Scaramouche has been a highly anticipated character for fans since his initial appearance in the game's story. During the Hoyoverse Version 3.3 livestream event, the new 4-star Faruzan was confirmed to also have a promotional rate-up with the Wanderer and Itto's Banners.

Scaramouche in Genshin Impact will be a catalyst weapon user who wields the Anemo element. Many fans expected him to be an Electro user, but the change in Visions will possibly be explained during the upcoming story. Arataki Itto uses a claymore and holds the Geo element and is considered a powerful damage dealer. Despite using different weapons and elements, both Scaramouche and Arataki Itto are considered Hyper-carry DPS units that specialize in on-field damage.

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Genshin Impact 3.3 Banners: Is Wanderer (Scaramouche) or Arataki Itto Better

Genshin Impact 3.3 Banners Is Wanderer (Scaramouche) or Arataki Itto Better

Scaramouche's primary focus is to activate his Elemental Skill, which will allow him to float in the air to deal damage. As an Anemo user, he can utilize strong Swirl Elemental Reactions in Genshin Impact. Scaramouche's biggest strength is his team flexibility, being able to work with most party members. One of his Passive Talents called the Jade-Claimed Flower will grant him a bonus depending on what element his skill interacts with upon activation. Interactions with Hydro will increase his floating duration, Pyro will increase his attack, Cryo boosts his CRIT-Rate, and Electro will help recharge his Elemental Burst. Scaramouche is also considered a strong Anemo DPS due to his high damage and fast attacks. With the newly released Faruzan who can strengthen Anemo, she can be a strong asset with Scaramouche.

Arataki Itto in Genshin Impact utilizes his Elemental Burst to enter an offensive state where both his damage and resistance to interruptions from enemy attacks are increased. Itto also focuses on a unique defense build unlike other damage dealers and will benefit most by increasing his defense stats instead of attack stats. He specializes within Geo teams and works great with supporters who can increase his damage. Among the many supporters, Gorou and his supportive abilities synergize well with Arataki Itto and are considered one of the best supports for him. Itto's greatest strength would be his AOE Charged Attacks, which can be used to defeat groups of enemies or bosses.

Players looking for a reliable Geo damage dealer in Genshin Impact should consider Arataki Itto. However, Itto's team builds are really restrictive because the Geo element is not considered strong in terms of offense. Fans who desire a strong DPS Anemo character should pull for Scaramouche due to his consistency in inflicting Anemo status on enemies, which will allow players to perform elemental combos. Both 5-star characters are good but players must consider what allies and types of equipment are in possession to better determine which character will benefit the individual's account the most.

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Source: Genshin Impact/YouTube