As with any role-playing game, Genshin Impact has a few different facets to its leveling system. Players can level up their characters, weapons, relationships, but the most important facet to level up is the player's Adventure Rank. A lot of Genshin Impact's features are locked behind the player's Adventure Rank, so it is important for a player to increase their Adventure Rank as quickly as possible so they can enjoy all that Genshin Impact has to offer.

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Just like how there are many different leveling systems in Genshin Impact, there are also different types of experience. Each type of experience goes towards increasing the level of a certain facet, and each type of experience is earned through different actions. As such, character levels require character experience, weapons require weapon experience, and Adventure Ranks require Adventure Rank experience. Luckily, there are a lot of different ways players can gain Adventure Rank Experience.

Increase Adventure Rank In Genshin Impact

genshin impact liyue harbor

The player's Adventure Rank is among the easiest facets of Genshin Impact to level up if the player knows the actions required to earn experience. At first, the player can climb Adventure Ranks by completing tasks that give smaller amounts of adventure experience, but getting to higher Adventure Ranks will require a lot more experience. Thankfully, almost everything the player does that involves exploration rewards them with Adventure Experience.

To gain small amounts of Adventure Experience, players can open chests and visit teleportation waypoints. Every chest the player opens rewards them with a small amount of Adventure Experience that varies in the amount based on the level the chest is. Additionally, players can earn slightly more experience by visiting and activating new teleportation markers on the map. However, neither of these methods are super effective when the player is a higher Adventure Rank.

The fastest ways to level up the player's Adventure Rank is to visit new Statues of the Seven and completing quests. There are a limited number of Statues of the Seven, but they ensure a large amount of experience when obtained. The most reliable method of obtaining Adventure Experience is to take on and complete quests. The longer or more challenging the quest, the more Adventure Experience the player will receive. Every single quest-like activity rewards the player with some amount of Adventure Experience. These can be Adventure Guild daily tasks, random quests from NPCs, dungeons, and story quests. To level up quickly, complete a lot of tasks.

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Genshin Impact is free-to-play on PC, PS4, and mobile devices.