Though Game of Thrones ended almost a year ago, the HBO masterpiece still has us fervently examining the complex characters that sprang from the pages of George R.R. Martin's legendary fantasy epic. Of the many gray characters that Martin created and HBO brought to life, Theon Greyjoy is definitely one of the most fascinating.

RELATED: Game Of Thrones: 10 Biggest Ways Theon Changed From Season 1 To The Finale

His life was never an easy one, and after making every bad decision possible, it simply became even more difficult. Theon Greyjoy is an example of a near-perfect redemption arc, one that might even match that of Zuko's arc in Avatar: The Last Airbender. Here are 10 of Theon's mistakes that even we can learn from.

Tried To Hook Up With Yara (Misogyny's Wages)

Before becoming Reek, Theon Greyjoy was a decidedly unlikable character. Beyond his irritating ego, he treated women grotesquely, as if they were blatantly inferior to him. Perhaps this attitude was a product of the time, but that makes it no more excusable. He saw women as being good only for sex -- even to the point of (accidentally) pursuing his own sister. Had he even a modicum of control over his base urges, he may have spared himself such incredible embarrassment when he later found Yara standing beside his father.

Looked Down On Jon Snow (The Impact Of Ego)

Alfie Allen as Theon Greyjoy in Game of Thrones smiling

One of Theon's greatest flaws in the earlier seasons was his blatant ego. Being the ward of the great Ned Stark, lord and castellan of Winterfell and Warden of the North, gave him the impression that he was better than everyone else. This was more than an attitude or a flimsy facade born of insecurity: it was his way of life, to the point that he treated Jon Snow like the dirt upon his boots - because he was the Greyjoy heir and ward of Ned Stark; he was royal. His delusions of grandeur misserved him in a number of ways, having contributed to any number of examples featured on this list. But above all, it rendered him a thoroughly unsympathetic character throughout the greater extent of the series.

Choosing To Serve His Father (Family's More Than Blood)

One of the most powerful realizations someone can make is that their life is just that: theirs. No one should ever act on the whim of another person; no one should ever live with the sole effort of making someone else proud, of making someone else accept them. Theon was always the boy in between: he was the ward of Ned Stark, a title he loved.

RELATED: Game Of Thrones: 10 Most Shameless Things Theon Greyjoy Has Ever Done

His initial mission when sent to the Iron Islands is to secure aid for Rob Stark's war effort. However, when the title of "prince" in his father's court looms before him, his loyalty to his truer family crumples beneath the prospect of enjoying truly noble status as heir to the Salt Throne.

Killed Innocents At Winterfell (Owning Mistakes)

Game of Thrones Theon

One of Theon's greatest transgressions occurred when Bran, Rickon, Osha, and Hodor made good their escape from Winterfell. Unable to cope with displaying such ineptitude, he elected to murder two innocent people in place of Bran and Rickon, proceeding to mount them at the castle in an inhuman display of cruelty.

Failing to own up to his idiocy is merit enough for this list, but electing to cover it up with such detestable ruthlessness almost seems to dwarf his initial misstep by way of comparison. Of all the dishonorable acts committed by his hand, this was likely the one that haunted him most for the rest of his days. And it could have been prevented had he simply honestly accepted his failings.

Becoming Reek (Loss Of Self-Control)

Ruling through fear is one of the greatest crimes one man can commit to his fellow man. But being ruled by fear is one of the greatest crimes one man can commit against himself. Theon let his fear of pain, his fear of Ramsay's retribution and wanton violence literally vanquish who he was. A man's greatest sanctuary is his mind. Theon allowed fear to charter a path into that sanctuary, and thus gave up every ounce of control he once had.

From standing by idly for so long after Ramsay captures Sansa to revealing the knowledge that Bran and Rickon are still alive, Theon had given himself over entirely, and in doing so, placed many of his former Stark family members in abject peril.

Invading Winterfell (The Price Of Greed)

Jon Snow grabs Theon Greyjoy in Game of Thrones

Theon suffered severely from an inability to recognize a simple truth: blood is not always equivalent to family. His true family, the ones who sheltered him, played with him, trained with him, and fought with him, the Starks, did not share his blood. But that did not make him any less a member of their family.

This all goes out the window when he realizes, after some less-than-subtle implications by his first mate, Dagmer, that he has the potential to take Winterfell with the motley crew of warriors afforded him by his father. Unable to resist the temptation, he betrayed his true family for the sake of appeasing his crooked ego.

Ignored His Father's Orders To Abandon Winterfell (Prideful Arrogance Is Dangerous)

Theon Greyjoy yells in his speech in in Winterfell in Game of Thrones

At the core of all arrogant people is crippling insecurity. Arrogance is often the ugly spawn of insecurity; it is a flimsy, disillusioned shield between scorning others and being scorned. Theon Greyjoy acted often out of insecurity; it was insecurity that led him to ignore his father's orders to abandon Winterfell when Yara delivers them.

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He's cemented in this erroneous decision when the Boltons arrive to end his occupation. Though sorely outnumbered, he attempts to rally his men to defend the hold, and naturally finds himself betrayed by them for his arrogance, precipitating his lengthy and definitively torturous life as a prisoner of Ramsay.

Killed Ser Rodrik (Leading Through Cruelty Doesn't Work)

An angry man is a man prone to mistakes. Someone that acts out of rage is also acting without forethought, and so his or her action is lacking in complexity and true meaning. After he had taken the Winterfell, he became privy to the idea that, in order to cement his rule, he must inspire fear in his underlings.

This impression is, historically, the greatest flaw in any leader. Anyone who leads by fear is destined to incite unrest and disloyalty: the two key ingredients in the formation of rebellion and resistance. This is evidenced throughout his brief stay at Winterfell - the execution of Ser Rodrik for disrespecting him being a particularly gruesome highlight.

Not Heeding Maester Luwin's Advice (Listen To Wise Counsel)

At several junctures during his occupation of Winterfell, Maester Luwin attempts to warn Theon away from the destructive path he's chosen. In what is perhaps his most crucial mistake, he refuses to escape Winterfell when the northmen have it surrounded.

Even after Luwin shares his knowledge of the secret passages that would make this escape possible, Theon insists on standing at Winterfell. And as mentioned, this decision is certainly among the most major catalysts for the lowest point of his existence.

Refused To Escape Ramsay Bolton (The Danger Of Losing Hope)

One of the most beautiful aspects of human nature is our innate ability to hope with a relentless kind of grit and determination. Hope is one thing that can never truly be taken from us because it is created by us. Theon lost hope. Theon forgot that darkness cannot exist if there was no light, and nowhere is this more evident than when Yara attempts to rescue him from Ramsay's service. He had lost the very concept of existing anywhere but beneath the heel of Ramsay's boot, and refused to leave even when the opportunity presented itself. If even the faintest glimmer of hope had remained in his eyes, he may very well have left with Yara that night, but to what end? We'll never know.

NEXT: Game of Thrones: 10 Hidden Details About Theon Greyjoy's Costume You Didn't Notice