Ever since premiering in the winter of 2019, Netflix's The Witcher has been compared to HBO's juggernaut Game of Thrones. The similarities between them might seem obvious at first sight, as they both take place in medieval-like fictional worlds, and feature considerable degrees of magic and fantastical creatures.

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Both shows have an interesting cast of characters, compelling figures fighting to stay alive in increasingly unforgiving and sometimes outright cruel circumstances. And while there are some who would undoubtedly make sense together, forming a mutually beneficial alliance for both parties, some others would be a disastrous match, and most likely would set the world on fire.

Wouldn't Work: Triss & Theon

During the events of season one of The Witcher, Triss proves her good nature. First, she aids Geralt in the saving of the Princess of Temeria, and then she fights in the Battle of Sodden Hill. A powerful sorceress in her own right, she's also shown to be wise and brave.

While Theon proved his worth in the end, getting one of the most fitting endings of any character in the series, it took him too long to get there. His constant changes of heart would make him seem dishonorable, dooming any chance he could have with Triss.

Would Work: Jaskier & Jon

Jon Snow and Geralt of Rivia have several traits in common. They're both quiet, brooding warriors who find it hard to relate to others. While watching season one, many fans found themselves shipping Jaskier with Geralt. Their funny, chaotic interactions launched a thousand fanarts and fanfics that are still very much alive.

It would only make sense for the bard to have a seemingly successful relationship with the Bastard of Winterfell. At first, Jon would certainly find Jaskier annoying, but just like he did with Geralt, the bard would write songs about Jon's heroics, eventually warming his cold heart. The two would certainly make an interesting pairing, and considering how unlucky Jon is in love, he could certainly use some music in his life.

Wouldn't Work: Sansa & Istredd

On paper, Sansa and Istredd might seem like a good match. By the end of GoT, she's the Queen in the North, while Istredd is shown to be an adept sorcerer with considerable knowledge in history.

However, the whole thing comes apart when the similarities between Yennefer and Sansa come to light. They're both intelligent, ambitious women who want much more than what they initially have. Hardened by life, they both need someone strong enough to keep up with them. Istredd is a good man at heart, but his insecurities might get the best of him. In the end, he's not the best choice to rule the North alongside Sansa.

Would Work: Ciri & Arya

Despite her apparent frailty, Ciri holds power unlike any other. Over the course of the show, she's thrown into a war she has little understanding of, but in which she's a key figure. Forced to mature almost instantly, her fight for survival is one of The Witcher's strongest elements.

RELATED: Netflix's The Witcher: Ciri's 10 Most Badass Scenes

Similarly, Arya quite literally grew up before the audience's eyes, eventually becoming one of the deathliest figures in all of Westeros. These two together would be a force to be reckoned with and would balance each other nicely. Besides, the idea of Geralt as Arya's father-in-law is too good to pass.

Wouldn't Work: Renfri & Robb

Renfri and Robb were both very skilled warriors, with strong temperaments and a guiding sense of duty. While they might seem like a logical pairing at first, it soon becomes apparent that they are too similar to ever make it as a couple.

Their pride is too great and ultimately clouds their judgment. Together, they would probably feed each other's worst impulses, instead of balancing them out. This would eventually lead them to the same endings they have in their respective shows, putting an abrupt end to their short-lived affair.

Would Work: Calanthe & Tywin

What's better than a strong, commanding Queen willing to do everything to protect her kingdom? Well, a strong, commanding Hand, willing to do everything to protect his kingdom.

Calanthe and Tywin's match wouldn't be out of love. Instead, it would be a completely political arrangement, but one which would benefit them both greatly. Tywin would be smart enough not to overstep his bounds, and Calanthe wise enough to accept his advice and guidance. Together, they would take Cintra to new and powerful heights.

Wouldn't Work: Cersei & Vilgefortz

In a lot of ways, a potential relationship between Cersei and Vilgefortz would be too similar to Cersei's entanglement with Euron Greyjoy. Both Vilgefortz and Euron are charming and attractive, meaning the former, like the latter, would succeed in wooing Cersei.

However, Vilgefortz's duplicitous nature would clash with Cersei's own selfishness, and their relationship would never make it past the superficial benefits of the arrangement. They would also have no trouble using and betraying each other, and one of them would most likely die at the hands of the other.

Would Work: Yennefer & Jaime

Jaime Lannister has a thing for strong women with rather grey morals. However, Yennefer, unlike Cersei, has a good grasp on right and wrong, and she tends to favor the former. Despite his many mistakes, Jaime became more honorable throughout GoT.

RELATED: The Witcher: 5 Reasons Yennefer Belongs With Geralt (& 5 She Doesn't Need Him)

For her part, Yennefer too learned to see beyond her own selfish desires, understanding that some things aren't really worth the price you pay for them. Both much better people than they started out as, the two would find each other at the right time, making their affair one of both legitimate passion and understanding.

Wouldn't Work: Melisandre & Mousesack

A kind, intelligent and powerful druid, Mousesack was not only an advisor to Queen Calanthe, but he was also a protector to Ciri and a friend to Geralt. Mousesack proves to be wise and valiant, willing to sacrifice everything to make sure Ciri escapes Cintra.

His compassionate personality would clash greatly with Melisandre's way of thinking. Fiercely devoted to the Lord of Light, she is what could easily be considered a fanatic. In the name of her religion, she committed terrible deeds, including the burning of Princess Shireen. Mousesack would never stand for her cruelty, and the two would sooner end in battle than in love.

Would Work: Daenerys & Geralt

Perhaps no other couple makes more sense than that of Daenerys Targaryen and Geralt of Rivia. They would both sympathize with each other, out of their mutual understanding of what it's like to be distant figures, feared and admired by the masses, who don't even know them.

In him, she would find someone to respect and admire, both for his physical prowess, but most importantly for his integrity and strength of heart. In her, he would find support and kindness, an idealist he could follow and protect, while still respecting and honoring her. Together, they'd have beautiful, silver-haired children, although Geralt might find it hard to relate to Dany's other children.

NEXT: Game Of Thrones: The Main Characters' Story Arcs, Ranked From Worst To Best