One of the multiple Game of Thrones-based TV shows currently in development is 10,000 Ships, focused on Nymeria, the former ruler of Dorne, a place that left many disappointed by its appearances in Thrones. One aspect of the beautiful land that did not disappoint was Oberyn Martell, an iconic character with memorable moments and some wonderful quotes.

He did not have much screen time, but he still came out of the show a fan-favorite thanks to Pedro Pascal and the writing, both of which helped create some terrific quotes that brilliantly sum up the Prince of Dorne character.

"What A Fortunate Thing For You, Former Queen Regent, That Your Daughter Myrcella Has Been Sent To Live In The Latter Sort Of Place."

4.02 'The Lion and the Rose'

Oberyn, Cersei, and Tywin at Joffrey's wedding in Game of Thrones

Oberyn is an intelligent man who repeatedly showed through his short time on the show that he could play the game and not let his emotions rule over him, shown brilliantly here as he insults his greatest enemies.

Not only is this quote a terrific and funny shot at Cersei, but also a line that highlights some of the values of Dorne and Oberyn. Despite what the Lannisters did to him, he would never take that out on an innocent girl like Myrcella; that does not mean he will not take verbal jabs at those who have wronged him until he gets his revenge, though.

"After I Turn Sad, I Grow Angry."

4.05 'First of His Name.'

Oberyn at a small counsil meeting

Shown by the fact that he does not murder Tywin at any of the multiple opportunities where he could have, Oberyn has a lot of self-restraint and control. Still, he is a passionate individual, and his emotions run deep.

This line sums up a lot of that side of him. Despite his charm and charisma, Oberyn is still fighting demons and living with immense sadness and anger at what happened to his sister. These feelings do not just hurt him; they motivate him.

"Tell Him The Lannisters Aren't The Only Ones Who Pay Their Debts."

4.01 'Two Swords'

Game of thrones brothel tyrion oberyn martell

So much of the Oberyn character that fans meet in Game of Thrones can be summed up by his rivalry with the Lannisters, in which he shows himself an intelligent, opportunistic man willing to wait to exact his vengeance.

That is precisely what he is proving here. He is not immediately out for blood but will sit tight, assess the situation, and choose the right moment to strike as the Viper. He never forgets what happened and never forgets the Lannister's role in making it so,

"When It Comes To War, I Fight For Dorne. When It Comes To Love... I Don't Choose Sides."

4.03 'Breaker of Chains'

GOT Oberyn and Ellaria

Oberyn's open mind and passion for life are a huge part of his personality and how he lives his life. He does not feel like love should be shackled by gender and, in this sense, is far more progressive than most in Westeros.

This quote is a great insight into how Oberyn views much of the world. He will valiantly and passionately fight for his land but believes that love knows no such divisions and should be enjoyed by all with whomever they please. This outlook helped make Oberyn a popular and unforgettable character.

"I Have An Ear For That As Well."

4.06 'The Laws Of Gods & Men'

Varys and Oberyn speak in the Throne Room in Game of Thrones

One of Oberyn's best scenes in the show is his conversation with Varys in the throne room, where they discuss their pasts and ambitions. It has some of Oberyn's best lines, including this.

This line is a reply to Varys, saying he has shed his old Essos accent and showcases just how intelligent and well-traveled Oberyn is. He has seen many things, met many people, and as a result, is capable of having these kinds of conversations, holding his own against some of the best players in the show.

"Bastards Are Born Of Passion, Aren't They? We Don't Despise Them In Dorne."

4.02 'The Lion and the Rose'

Elia and Oberyn speak with Cersei and Tywin in Game of Thrones

Oberyn is a carnal man who appreciates and adores physical passion and anything that happens due to it. Because of this, Oberyn and Dorne overall have a far nicer view of bastards than most in Westeros.

Whereas bastards are seen as lesser in others of the seven kingdoms, in Dorne and by Oberyn, they are respected. This line does not only sum up the relative tolerance and progressiveness of Oberyn, but it is also a clap back at Cersei, something Oberyn proves he has a talent for time and time again thanks to his intellect and quick wit, which are on display here.

"Size Doesn't Matter When You're Flat On Your Back."

4.08 'The Mountain and the Viper'

Oberyn Martell Gets Killed by the Mountain in Game Of Thrones

Game of Thrones is full of difficult-to-watch scenes that tug at the heartstrings of fans and disgust them, and one of the worst is Oberyn's death at the hands of the Mountain. A little less confidence or flamboyance, and all would have been well.

The painful thing about this fight, which is synonymous with Oberyn's character, is that he had the Mountain beat; he just would not finish him off. This line before the fight indicates his confidence as a fighter (which is earned considering he is one of the most powerful warriors in Game of Thrones) and is yet another showcase of the charisma and charm that oozes out of character; still, perhaps his confidence let him down in the end.

"It Is Rare To Meet A Lannister Who Shares My Enthusiasm For Killing Lannisters."

4.07 'Mockingbird'

Oberyn tells Tyrion he will be his champion in Gme of Thrones

While Oberyn would ultimately only fight the Mountain on his quest to avenge his family, he wanted the Lannisters dead just as much, which is a considerable part of his character.

Oberyn is, of course, so much more than his lust for Lannister's blood. Still, given how much he is motivated by his hatred of them and how much he must repress and hold back feelings of anger towards them, this quote sums up so much of what he is about and wants most of all.

"You R*ped Her! You Murdered Her! You Killed Her Children!"

4.08 'The Mountain and the Viper'

Oberyn Martell and The Mountain fighting in Game of Thrones

Many characters can be summed up by their most iconic moments, and that for Oberyn is his battle with the Mountain in one of the show's best episodes. Audiences see the full range of his personality, motivations, and emotions, specifically in this repeated line.

With these cries from Oberyn get to see his burning passion and deep emotional trauma come out in a big way. Since his sister's death, he had been waiting for this moment, awaiting the chance to get revenge, showcasing his skill as a fighter, and proving to audiences how hard it would have been for him not to explode at the sight or mere mention of a Lannister.

"I Don't Want To Be Most Of Us."

4.06 'The Laws Of Gods & Men'

Oberyn and Varys speak in the Throne Room in Game of Thrones

Oberyn says he did not want to be like everyone else, and he achieved that, managing to become far more iconic and fondly remembered than most characters with only about half an hour of screentime in Thrones,

Every line of this conversation with Varys is excellent, but this one sums up Oberyn as a character better than anything else they share. Oberyn believed life was short, and he wanted to appreciate it for all its beauty in the short time he had; he did not want to die without seeing the world and experiencing all he could, like most others around him do. He is unlike anyone else in Thrones, with an infectious charisma, deadly temper, and unique (for Westeros) views on love and bastards. Oberyn electrifies when he is on-screen, demanding the attention of the audience.

NEXT: Every Actor Who Has Appeared On Both The Crown & Game Of Thrones