Season 4 of Stranger Things gave fans plenty of memorable moments, therefore, no shortage of meme material. The writers have confirmed that they've just started writing season 5, meaning it'll be a while until viewers see their favorites on the screen again.

In the meantime, they've been reliving the best moments of season 4, including one of the most heartbreaking moments. In a raw and honest scene, Will pours his heart out to Mike, who is almost indifferent to his emotions. Fans have taken this difficult moment and turned it into some of the most relatable memes.

When Your Phone Dies

Having a cellphone die at any time is inconvenient, but even more so when stuck in the car with no other modes of entertainment. There's something especially annoying and frustrating when on a road trip and not being able to listen to music, watch videos, or look through apps

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As pointed out by this Twitter user, being stuck with thoughts is one of the worst things for certain people, leaving them on the verge of crying much like Will.

Flopping In The Group Chat

Being in group chats for work can be daunting, and intimidating sometimes. Work group chats are often left alone, only being used to talk about important work events or upcoming deadlines.

However, if someone happens to message the group chat for something, and is left on reading by everyone in it, it incites a special type of awkwardness. Flopping on group chats, in general, is bad, but flopping on group work chats is a whole new type of hurt.

Getting Up For Work

One of the worst things is going to bed and having to set the alarm for work the next morning. No matter how much sleep is gained, being woken up to the blaring chimes of an alarm is up there as one of the worst feelings ever.

Even worse is setting the alarm after a weekend, or a few days off. It's a simple task in hindsight, setting an alarm, but always triggers the worst kind of pre-sleep anxiety and nerves. Working is always a barrel of laughs, unfortunately.

Not Saving Your Word Document

Essay writing, or any kind of professional writing, is often stressful. Microsoft Word is usually pretty reliable, but sometimes it crashes out of nowhere and all the work that was spent hours on is gone.

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Saving a Word document as the writer goes is much easier saying it versus doing it, so many people forget to hit that crucial save button. When Word does crash, there's nothing to capture that feeling of frustration and agony. Will's reaction is the closest thing that captures that disappointment.

Another Day At Work

Work can be repetitive sometimes, the day-in and day-out routine of showing up and doing the same thing over and over again. Especially when the person would rather be anywhere else, doing anything else.

That feeling of arriving at work, knowing you had a full day ahead, can be too much sometimes, as pointed out by this Reddit user. Sometimes, people feel like Will, and just need a cry in the car before they go in for another day.

Struggling To Make Friends

Everyone remembers the difficulty of making new friends at school, it's often the hardest part of school. Whether it be the first day of a new year, new school, or a new semester, making friends is incredibly difficult.

There's nothing worse than sitting on the bus on the way home, seeing everyone surrounded by friends, knowing the struggle to speak to anyone that day. It's one of the hardest parts of childhood and teenage years, the yearning for connection and friendship.

Bad Hair Cuts

Perhaps the most relatable meme out of all of these, is the dreaded after-appointment haircut cry. Everyone has been there, sitting in the hairdresser's chair, accidentally agreeing to something they didn't want, or the hair stylist misunderstanding, resulting in a cut and style far different from what they were after.

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This always results in days, or weeks, of desperately avoiding photographs, trying to style it as well as possible, and getting used to the new haircut until it eventually grows back.

When You Want To Go Home

Sometimes being out with friends is a good idea in theory. But once with them for a while, it can be exhausting, especially on the long nights, when there are plans for the next day, or simply just wanting to go home.

As pointed out by this Twitter user, it's especially hard when it's late (or early in the morning) and being ready to go home, but someone suggests doing something else or going somewhere new. Trying to find an excuse and get back home is hard when already exhausted, resulting in frustration much like Will.

Working In A Heatwave

Heatwaves have become much more common lately, especially in the summer months. When the day is hot and sticky, and the sun is out, most people prefer to spend their daylight hours basking in the sunlight or relaxing in the shade.

When someone has to go to work on an especially hot day, it can be even more frustrating knowing other people are able to enjoy the day off. Working in the heat is especially draining, making Will's reaction the most relatable in this situation.

Your Brain Watching You

For many, it's easier to tell someone that they're okay, or even tell themselves they're okay when they might not be. Their brain knows best when it comes to their mental wellbeing, and this imagining of the brain's reaction to their person saying they're okay is hilarious.

The thought of the brain watching helplessly as their respective people refuse to slow down and look after themselves is both funny and bittersweet, sometimes listening to the brain is the best thing anyone can do.

NEXT: The Best Stranger Things Season 4 Memes That Will Have You Cry-Laughing